This is finally my proper entry in this arena (if you can call it a proper entry). If you haven't been tuning into the programme, apparently I have managed to outlive my previous blog ( and it seems that nobody would be maintaining that blog host anymore. So I have no choice but to seek refuge in this "condominium blog" (quoting elisa). It was a lovely smallish closed community but all good things must come to an end and I suppose that was the end of it. I have reserved this name for quite some time (ever since the first catastrophe that has engulfed the previous blog before) planning to use it as a backup but never had the discipline to copy and paste. Spend quite a bit of time copying and pasting and i think I'd better write something first before I fell asleep with such repetitive and tedious task. 2 pages of entry lists down, 5 to go. I'll get to the aesthetics part when I am done archiving so in the mean time, you would have to bear with this one.
I'll skip the introductory bit because I would think only the regulars would be visiting this one. Not the most interesting blog this is. Not such much of mind-boggling revelations and not very informative as well.
Well, we shall get down to business then.
Alyssa has several firsts over the last weekend. On Friday, she spotted that her first permanent tooth has sprouted up from her lower jaw. Unfortunately, it has grown quite independently without pushing out the milk tooth. Being as vainly as I am on dental aesthetics, the first thing that we did after lunch on Saturday was to bring her to a dentist. So, her first experience with a dentist unfortunately was not a pleasant one because she had to endure the pain of pulling out a perfectly working milk tooth to accommodate the upcoming permanent tooth. Tears were welling out when she saw the huge anaesthetic syringe but took it in stride without a whimper uttered from the mouth.
I went to that particular dentist because it was within the vicinity of my house. Not by accident also because i happen to know that MissKLSentral also brings her children there. As the dentist was preparing the syringe and looking at Alyssa's card, she said that my name sounded familiar and asked me if the year I was born and then whether I was in the BTU programme before which I attended err 20 years ago ehehehe. And viola! She actually remembered me from those days and I was dropping names here and there while trying vainly to remember any event from those jurassic era that I could relate to her. Of course, I failed miserably that I had to call MissKLSentral to gain some clues on refreshing my memory which again amounted to nil. Possibly that was why I still had to pay RM60 for that tooth extraction :D. Must look for those old photo album when I go back to the hometown.
In the evening, Alyssa had requested me to fix her flat tyres in her abandoned bicycle and take off those small training wheels. She had tried riding on 2 wheels some time 2 months ago and failed miserably and she wanted to try again that day. After searching for a good half hour for a bicycle shop in the neighbourhood, i finally found a motorcycle shop which had a small section in the rear dedicated to bicycle and finally got the tube replaced at RM6! Wasn't it like RM1 during those times when I had to find a replacement tube for my own bike? I know, I know it's a long time ago :p.
When it was good to go, all I had to do was to aid her to get the bicycle moving and viola! Discounting the fact that she was riding over almost everything in her path, she was actually balancing on 2 wheels unaided. Have to reconsider the pledge that I made to her before that I would buy her new bikes when she could ride successfully ehehehe. By Sunday, she was happily zooming out and about and did not require any assistance anymore. That was definitely a lot easier than when I tried to learn myself and I am sure she would appreciate the fact that she did not have to endure the experience of having her private parts knocked violently onto the handle and horizontal bar while cruising downhill without control when trying to learn to ride on 2 wheels.
I haven't posted an entry for a while also and I think this entry is very dry. Ah well, I'd do better next time. This should be enough for my loyal fans (aha!), to know that I am still alive and well in the blogland. Till the next entry, my friends.