anybody for geese eggs? people came from as far as muar to look for those eggs for it's supposedly medicinal properties. or course he had chickens and ducks but they were camera-shy.

he was truly a cat lover. the others were simply not very interested.

he folds and irons his own clothes because mak doesn't do it as neat as he'd like it to be. i might take one of those black imam jubah for souvenirs. somehow, with the exceptions of tight-fitting sleeves, i could fit into it :)

at almost 11 years old, the payung indones1a (hura crepitans) stands at around 12 feet high. he had always wanted to chop down the tree for fear of the crawling roots to be uprooting the perimeter wall in front of it. my usual replies had always been [i]he doesn't need to worry about that. he'd be long gone before the tree grows big enough to uproot the wall.[/i] didn't know it's going to come sooner than later.
and of course,

the binmatsahs. mostly were (at that particular moment, there has been an additional 2 since) here except for my eldest brother's family. they were berayaing on the other side in phg. unfortunately, this photo was taken last year (and of poor quality as well). we didn't take group photo during this year's eid though everybody was around due to some technical complications :(
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