Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Alyssa's (and Amelya's) Weekends

Back to regular programming I guess after those unintelligible entries.

On Saturday 8 Nov, while I spent the whole day cursing and trying to clean up the mess left by those bachelors living in that rented house for 3 years, the girls went for some photography session for those princessy contest (I had no idea what it was all about. Had to google and found some link there) Actually the contest was only for Alyssa only 6 years and above were eligible to enter but of course, we couldn't let Amelya watched while her big sister was being all princessy and photographed so wifey just played along. And yesterday, we received a text message saying that Alyssa had been shortlisted so I have to find my way to that place on Nov 22nd. I am not really a big fan of asking little girls to dress up and being made up trying to imitate stuff adults would have to do such as dancing and singing but I guess I'll just play along as well for now.

The next day, we had to be around my office even earlier than I would normally be on weekdays for Alyssa's kindy graduation day. Amelya had also taken part in one of the performances by 5 year-olds. Alyssa started off by giving a speech as the wakil pelajar that she had been rehearsing at home (at which I found it hard to correct her pronunciation of everybody who was present that day as a present as in gifts rather than presenting your report when she insisted that her teacher taught her the other way but I was gleaming with smiles when she pronounced it correctly (yes!). No photos of that because I used the videocam to tape the whole three and a half minutes.

Then she narrated a story while either 2 or 3 students acted on what she was narrating and I missed the whole thing completely in answering unfinished nature's business call which I thought had been completely taken care of at home.

Amelya participated in a sing-along choir in which unfortunately the best photo that could be captured above those proud parents' head swarming the stage did not really convey her true emotions while singing.

Fast forward towards the certificate conferment(? can't think of the proper term right now), those are the photos that show how those 6 year olds being lined up to receive their certificates, Alyssa being the final recipient of hers. And Alhamdulillah, she was also selected as one of the best students of her graduation year (one from each gender) and that was her proudly receiving her empty tube with no scrolls inside and continuing the tradition of Lollies' and MsKLSentral's firstborns being selected as the best students of the Kompeni's kindy in their time (Phew! Pressure! Pressure!)

And if you were wondering what Athyra was doing during those 3 hours, she was happily roaming around prying into other people bags and stuff and walking incessantly in and around the open space in the big hall. That was an attempt to get her to fall asleep which wifey had finally succeeded just in time to get us to have the refreshments provided in relative peace.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Some Craps

Hope leads to Disappointment
Disappointment leads to Resentment
Resentment leads to Anger
Anger leads to Wrath
Wrath leads to Insanity

Does it mean that we should give up hoping? I think not. Hope is what drives us human. Without hope there would be no vision, passion, excitement and triumphs. Conversely, without hope, there would be no sadness, pain, suffering and humility. Life would then would be such a dull, infinite void like a ship sailing in a middle of water with no land, no gigantic waves, no violent wind, no captain and no objective. Life would be so stagnant, boring and content.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Eight Is a Generous Number

Happy Anniversary Sayang!

Though it could've started better, but time waits for no one. Still trying to figure out a way to be absolutely sure it's NOVEMBER and not DECEMBER. Thank God we got married in 2000 or I would have problem remembering it's eight years also. And I can still fit into that Nikah Ceremony baju melayu though :)