Thursday 4 September 2008

No, I Am Not Linked To Screwboy

If you think I were somehow psycho-kinetically linked to Screwboy after reading his post here and mine, apart from this tiny little occasion, I would like to clarify that I have never experienced any other twin-like reflexes despite being in the same office with him for the past err 5 years maybe.

I have a confession to make. I am mosh and I am a microsleeper. I had one expensive instance yesterday. I microslept during my little food-less lunch time excursion to submit the reconfirmation forms of my all-grown up Alyssa for next year's coming of age schooling year in which she has been really looking forward to.

The price I had to pay? A lot of pride, a busted driver-side front tyre, some unknown damage to the drive shaft or whatchamajinga under the car and a lot of sweat under the hot sun which liquid would only be replenished 5 hours later and a rude awakening, if I may add. If you are somehow familiar with the Taman Tun area approaching LDP opposite the Green and Yellow/ Red Petrol station with a huge tyre shop right in the middle (how apt!), you would be able to imagine that the road will curve to the left as you approach the LDP. I was not feeling tired at all throughout the journey. And the night before was one of the few nights that had I enjoyed a good 7.5 hours of sleep. So you could either blame it on the hot sun or the lack of nicotine in the bloodstream. Either way, ironically the last thing I remembered was thinking about one of my conversation with my brother-in-law about how car insurances would only pay up only a portion of your claims should you under-insure your car. The next thing I know, there was this loud thud coming from the front of the car and I was climbing the 4-foot-tall earthern road divider, ramming straight into it in my sleep. It didn't take a genius to know that my driver-side front tyre was totally busted and I stopped over in that work clothes to do the manly thing of changing into the spare tyre.

Thankfully, apart from the horribly scratched rims, minor scratches on the bumper and maybe some unknown costs of material damages on the front-right tyre and axle, I don't have to deal with a mangled piece of metal that used to be my car or worse still, deal with a mangled piece of meat that used to be me.


Anonymous said...

all koleq boys think alike?

kete2 kau ni belum dimandibungakan lagi rupanya heheh..

benda nak jadi, repair sajalah. suspension je rosak kot. kalau drive shaft, yikess..

mosh said...

screw: eheheh tah le. tak pakai tie plak tu semalam.

belum mandi bunga lagi. sebab takut nanti aku mandi bunga sekali lain lak the consequences ahahaha!

not sure yet apa rosak. tak pergi check lagi. tak sempat la bulan posa ni. i thought of going on weekends tapi balik kampung pulak.

Anonymous said...

kena tempias mandi bunga kete, dimaafkan. kalau ada consequences lain, bonus haha

Unknown said...

jadi confuse bila i baca yours the other day. mcm dah baca je. tapi different subject. now baru clear. ahaha.. owh anyways, alhamdulillah you're ok.

zan said...

lerr keta yg kena mandi bunga bukan tuannya...hehehe...

puasa..tulah sebab microsleep ;)

mesti smlm kena bebel hahaha...

Nadia said...

isk isk isk.. ada ada je... >> tu ayat mak kita...

ala kesiannya... dah le tgh nak prep byk duit...

was it the same car on last incident or is this another car?

mosh said...

screwboy: dimaafkan eh? ehehehe. bonus? shhhh!

lana: err actually i'm also confused reading your comment la.

zan: tak bley eh? aiseh... ahahaha! must be puasa gak la. tade kena bebel pun. i membebel boleh tak? ehehe

nad: tu la apa nak buat. rezeki masing-masing. it is the same car so looking from a different perspective, the other car remains "accident-free" :)

Anonymous said...

just read this.
thank God actually you're safe and sound. when accidents happen, it happens. fobia now dgn accidents related issues.


mosh said...

thanks nonah and thank god i'm still in one big piece :)