Ok. That may be a little bit of over-dramatization but Alhamdulillah, Athyra is now finally walking, if you can call getting upright, taking a few steps, moving all around to balance while taking those several steps, tumbling and diving into whatever that can be perceived as safe haven and repeat the cycle again as walking. I would love to take Athyra's photo again in that Aqiqah ceremony outfit but this will do for now.
My little Athyra, now taking the gigantic leap towards toddler-hood. Towards being independent. Preparing herself to be a big sister come February 2009.
yeay for athyra!
lega bila derang dah start jalan..kurang skit kena dukung!
jadi big sister dah?? expecting lagi? congrats!
mabrook mabrook. hope all is well for you. maka mulai hari ini bolehlah awak memasak pula. kesian ibu mengandung.
wooohooo! pepatah 'diam-diam ubi berisi' comes to mind. congratulations! and well done athyra!
jill, dalam kes ni i don't think mosh has been very quiet. tee he he
woawww...congrats to mosh! and a big clap for athyra's biggest achievement :)
wahh ramainya dpt baby next year..hemmm..
fd: yeay! memang kurang sikit and senang sikit nak jaga. especially nowadays jalan selow senang nak ikut eheheh.
tu lah. rezeki terlebih. thank you thank you.
lols: ehehehe. the entry did not turn out as nice as i had imagined it though. macam takde idea pulak apa nak tulih. err masak nasik goreng everyday ok tak? ahahah!
jill: tq tq tq. a lot of things can be berisi while being diam ehehe.
lols: how do you know? :p
zan: thank you thank you (cannot say accident nanti fd marah ahahaha!) other than mamarawks, who else eh dapat baby next year?
hey!! congrats to athyra and whole family...
murah rezeki... *spread positive aura*
ni kes daddy nak reserve stroller for next baby ke? tu yg happy semcm bila athyra bole jalan tu... hehehheeh...
wah, another one is coming. Hopefully this will be a boy unless you would like to have another girl :)
Hurray for athyra. Cepat juga dia berjalan kan.
nad: ehehe tq tq tq. memang rezeki terlebih murah. tu yang "accident" tu.
hafiz: boy or girl, it's fine by me. as long as sihat, alhamdulillah. tapi cukup la 4 kot ehehehe.
pretty cepat jugak, like alyssa. tau kot she has to be more independent after this :)
tu la, beli lagi getah cap ayam haha..
ini dah kena tolak citra amik grandis ni
whooo hooooo ...
new baby .. hmmm mengikut kata my dusty crystal ball, it'll insyallah be a boy .. being number in the family and born in February. like .. jeng jeng jeng .. Ariz!
Anyhow .. congrats for Athyra for those gigantic steps and good kuck to you for chasing her once she gets the momentum going ..
And congrats to the parents for yet again, uhmm conceived! Not busy at all, I see!
athyra dah besar dah bule jalan dah cute nyee
cepatnya moshh kejar kite, hee hee i doakan u dapat boy this time :)
i serik *accident* ni sebab last time accident dapat twin hehe :P
screwboy: tu lah. dah la getah cap ayam, salah ikat pulak tu ahahaha!
actually the plan was to tolak citra, full stop. but with this, cannot anymore lah. it'll stay with the family, for now.
gart the blue: hmmm, seriously eh? kalau dapat alhamdulillah. tak dapat pun alhamdulillah jugak.
not busy? how i wish that was the case. i need a maid!
ld: ehehe itu gambar macam pasang kuda2 kung fu punya ehehe.
ada rezeki boy, dapat le insya-allah. tu lah penat jugak nak kejar you ni. jangan la lepas ni you "accident" with another set of twins!
clap!clap to mosh.. eh, silap.. athyra..heheh
kan you all dah ada maid?
lana: ehehehe tq tq tq.
mana ada maid. dah hantar balik dah and now maidless for many months dah.
yay!! kakak athyra dah besarr.
Send my congrats to Sheena. :)
oh, and congrats to you too :)
congrats! another baby on the way, rezeki, rezeki, masyaAllah, so happy. Nanti boleh ikut buat passport lagi hahaha.
anyways, looks like athyra nak boxing gituh! tak lama lagi boleh dia lari-lari gives the dad some exercise eh?
yay! congratulations!
Kakak Athyra must be looking cute this raya with baju kurung.
Wow Mosh!! Congratulations to little Miss Athyra for her wonderful achievement.
And, to you and Shina for yet another "acheivement".. terror siut!!
Hopefully Zairul and I will join in having babies born next year with you.. InsyaAllah.. as for now takde rezeki lagi..
elisa: tqtqtq. it requires hard work :p
nonah: ehehehe. that would be very handy should we need to go to singland for somebody's weeding reception :)
rotinotti: tq tq tq. that kakak athyra sounds a bit funny still ehehe.
ina: terror?! ahahaha! ah well...
for you, insya-allah ada rezeki. usaha lagi, dan lagi, dan lagi, dan lagi ehehe..
wow,very the productive one lah u Moshie! Jeles nih,I gak tk dpt2 :(
pst...bukan org tua kata kalau cepat sangat jalan nnti pengkau kaki? :p
raha: err, the very productive because rezeki terlebih ehehehe. alhamdulillah.
alaa insya-allah kalau ada rezeki tu ada lah nanti. don't give up trying, and enjoy it at the same time too, eheheheh.
takde la pengkau. kakak nya si alyssa walked even earlier as far as i can remember like 10 months camtu alhamdulillah ok je.
nak maid ke?
nak! nanti i'm eyeing an alternative source ni kalau fail jugak i'll buzz you lana.
ohmy ohmy i missed this post!! nak jadi kakak dah si athyra?? wow! congratulations :)
ehehe thank you famy...
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