Yes folks! If you have been following the program, here is the proof that I did not back off my words.

When you go around and see those little corner barber shops, just surrender your head to them and pay whatever good money they're asking of you. Believe me, it will be worth it. Unless you are so much in love with yourself staring at it butt nekkid for two continuous hours, cold, wet and fingers all wrinkled up. Or you don't mind looking like an escapee from a sanatorium trying to blend uncomfortably into the society while you are en route to those barber shops anyway to ask them to finish the uncompleted job. Because those twin-bladed or triple-bladed shavers were never designed to shave anything more than 10mm long in bulk. They would get all cranky and simply glided over those mountains of hair.
Especially if you were halfway through and suddenly you found yourself in a pitch dark bathroom and with only a towel wrapped around your shivering body, you got yourself out half expecting to find somebody trying to pull a prank on you by switching off the lights. Only to discover that the whole suburb were in complete darkness due to some supply interruption somewhere out there and for five long minutes, pondering and unsure of what the next course of action should be. Thankfully those comrades of mine did an excellent job and I was never more appreciative of their efficiency.
The verdict? Loving it and this is definitely not the last time that I would do it.
uhhh..seriau laa nengok :P nonethe less, good job! heheh
agak2 berapa percent boleh jimat.
Hehhe.. cool! ;) But Id never do that :P
zan: ni sorang lagi seghiau ehehehe. tq tq. tak mo try ke? :D
screwboy: ni toyol tak hisap darah punya. hisap rokok dan yang sewaktu dengannya je.
mrs k: jimat apa eh? shampoo segala? byk gak tu ehehe.
myra: tqtqtq. luckily hot sun is not out at the moment so it is still pretty cool :p
laaaaa .. why o why la you had to do sendiri ?
ha dah padan muka .. he he he ..
btw, your best asset is always your warmth and smile, never your hair (or the lack of it) .. so you're still the people's magnet.
*goes off to throw up over own remarks*
Hahahahaha Kojak look... Sure sejuukkkk je... Tak yah sibuk nak sikat rambut..
Gollum : precioussss!!!
bila rambut akan tumbuh semula ya? saya curious...
hahahahhahah. padan muka. eh kemas ke you cukur. kalau cukur kepala nak kena pakai foam tak? after shave?
gb: *lap2 sikit all the puke*
what can i say? i lap you gb ehehehe.
ina: eh you've never seen me botak kan? ehehe. takpe tak sejuk sangat. manageable and best tak payah sikat rambut.
nazrah: ehehehe
fg: rambut sudah tumbuh dah baru dicukur kembali semalam. see lah how long i can maintain like this. takes a lot of effort wooo..
lols: first time, quite except for some parts like behind the ear a bit tricky to reach so i had to ask for external help. after that ok lah.
foam pakai. but after shave, takut ooo. just in case those after shave ada some kind of hair retardant, haru...
aku takde le berani nak botak, shape kepala senget due to forcep incident masa dilahirkan :D but penah skinhead back in 96. rupa macam orang baru keluar pusat serenti. dah la lupa time tu nak kena buat new IC.
sure toyol ni hisap rokok je? haha
laa. eh alyssa pun kena forcep jugak tapi ok je takde nampak distorted pung. nanti next time kena tengok IC orang baru keluar pusat serenti ehehe.
sebab tu la ada escape clause yang sewaktu dengannya ehehe
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