Maybe I'll adhere to pure chronological event and tell a story that I have been telling others countless numbers of times in real life and chat boxes. About the pregnancy.
If anybody had been paying close attention to my blogs that much, they would notice that I have not even made a single passing mention on the worthy subject prior to Athyra is Walking entry. Not that I wanted to keep it as Highly Classified Information (though we'd like to keep the gender secret *wink wink*) that deserves a place under the OSA but simply owing to the fact that we (we as in me and wifey) did not know about it. After getting her menses for the first few months, she mentioned to me that she had missed one and the test came out negative. I had asked her to go to a clinic for a proper check and ultrasound scan just to make sure and throughout, I've always thought that she actually made the trip to the clinic, and she did not. And the menses never came back with innocent breastfeeding as the wrongly-blamed culprit.
In the absence of morning sickness and any other related telltale signs, she was only convinced to actually pay a visit to an O&G only after she felt some kind of movements and I went along just to make sure. Surely enough, she was estimated to be 20 weeks pregnant and the not-so-little worm thriving inside was almost half a kilo already with the EDD around late January or early February. And my sweet little adorable Athyra would be around 1 year 3 months by then.
So, there you have it. Hopefully I won't have to repeat the story again after this. I think I am way beyond broken records already ehehe.
Ok now about raya. Of course, apart from the usual commute back and forth between one PD to another (my kampung is also a PD you know? Grandfather's Swamp), this was the first raya without my father. As much as we would like to remember him in our prayers and celebration, the living keeps on living, right? My fear was mostly for my mother and thankfully she seemed to be strong enough to be going through it alone among the full regiment of my siblings and their children. Again, we did not take a group photo this year (which we did not last year) and those limited photos that I put up in my FB was taken with a measly phone. How I wished I had a proper camera, compact or DSLR to prop up the mood of photo sessions.
I also gave the usual raya BBQ routine that we have on the eve of the second or third day of raya which had been going on for many years this year a miss and I do not even know if they did have one in the first place because by the that time, my Raya time in my kampung has ended as we made our final stop in PD with my in-laws.

Ok back to the topic at hand. The engagement ceremony was performed on Sunday, the fifth day of raya, complete with dais and my 2 girls were selected as the accompanying flower girls. It went on until around 3 o'clock. After some acts of trying to look busy helping out with the cleaning bit, we made our way back to KL around 6pm. Except for the half hour queue at a right-turning traffic light junction, traffic was smooth on the trunk road and thank goodness I don't have to endure that multiple hours traffic jam in those main arterial highways nationwide.
I guess that's all I can say in this ironically very muted entry. And a longwinded one at it as well
dah prepare surat komplen kat durex?
baca your entry on pregnancy tu.. like "in a blink of eye, i was 20 weeks pregnent".. wah best sungguh kalau saya pon gitu.. penat went thru of my first trimester... pancit all the, out of energy plus mood super duper malas.. haish!!!
rezeki kan..tak kisahla atyhra 1 yr n 3mths, it will be a boy, aye?? since u dah wink wink tu :P
maid baru tak dapat2 lagi ker?
like I said .. this spells ARIZ throughout .. like both Adani and Athyra both were born in October and have brothers born in February, wile they barely were 1 year and 4 months old.
He he he .. insyallah ..
screwboy: dah! but can i hold them liable when they're kept somewhere in the drawer? ehehehe.
mamarawks: maybe she was going through that and i was a ruthless husband ahahah! erk...
zan: ehehe memang syukur rezeki. we were not planning to stop at 3 anyway :p.
that wink wink tu, not necessarily lah. even athyra dulu pun i secret-secret jugak kan?
gb: hey guess what? of course we're planning to continue with the A convention and ariz starts with A eheheh, if he is a boy.
woohoo! it's a boy! :D
can be held liable. they should put a disclaimer on the box - Not To Be Kept In Drawers
tak boleh simpan durex kat dalam drawer ke? hahahahahhahaha
alaa mosh beritaulah jantina baby surprise itu. beritahulah. janganlah wink wink pulak.
haiiyaa masa kite pregnantkan twin 9 months rasa macam 2 tahun hehe your wifey blink blink dah 20 weeks halfway there...
yela bagi la clue baby gender tu ?
jill: ehehehe. and how exactly did you come up with that conclusion?
screwboy: aha! why did i not think of that?!
lols: :p. tak mo tak mo tak mo. classified top secret.
ld: tak mo tak mo. i didn't want to know jugak actually but somehow i got to know, isk...
alah kalau dah top secret tu...
kitaorg tau la Pinkman. Boy kan?
Kalau tak boy... must be girl lah. See, I'm 50% correct already.
rotiroti: no one seems to be interested on the second part of the entry. the raya bit ehehe.
you are most definitely 50% correct! wah... so smart lah you :p
i hope it's a boy, i hope it's a boy, i hope it's a boy :)
just tell us pleaseeeee!!!
the pregnancy is certainly interesting. tetiba ajer dah 20 week pregnant :)
Did I miss something? Whose engagement is this? Is it your sister or relatives?
fg: ehehehe. it sure sounded like you had wished for a boy more than i did. for me, either way is fine. i am a lot more concerned with the well-being of the baby. especially since wifey has not been taking the supplement up to that 20 weeks. dah la a couple of months ago my friend had a baby with a spina-bifida. isk! *shivers* naudzubillah.
hafiz: it takes effort tau to get her to be pregnant! ahahaha!
sahlah i did not reread whatever i've written. baru perasan i did not mention at all that was my niece who got engaged. my sisters all dah kahwin dah. in fact i only have one younger sister with 2 kids now.
yes yes, you didn't write siapa yang bertunang so i kept scrolling up and down hahaha till at last baca komen and found the answer!
and seriously, 5 bulan pun tak sedar pregnant! so lucky!
i bet its a boy somehow :), cause ada orang kata juga, if last kid looks like a boy, nxt could be a boy, so i'd use that theory for this. not that athyra looks like a boy tapi tomboyish sikit with her current look.
so it's a boy!
ehehehe nonah. kalau a boy alhamdulillah. kalau girl pun, alhamdulillah jugak. it's not like i was the one who was pregnant la kan. lagi la tak sedar ehehehe.
the other day athyra's hair has grown longer at the back but had to be trimmed coz she suddenly picked up rashes behind her neck. tempat lain takde pun so we suspected it was the longish hair. now back to the canopy hair again ehehehe
i knew shina's pregnant way before the 20th week! haha
tho u denied it. haha
and here's coming your boy! haha
how bout tht?
*wink wink jgk*
waaaaaaaaaa... disini rupanya... semalam jumpa famy.. then famy boy bagi tau ur wife pregnant lagi.. terus kita cari ur blog.. baru jumpa ni.. from gartblue.. anyway.. congratulation yaaah.. kita doakan anak laki2 yg sehat... klo dpt perempuan pun takpe jg kan.. ;) hugs for ur wife.. :D
mrs kumagai: i did not deny it nor i was not in denial :p. seriously i thought she had gone for an ultrasound to make sure it was not a false alarm, eheheh. kalau boy, ok. janji sihat :p
diah: insya-allah. marilah kita doa sama-sama. err famy boy told you? not famygirl? ehehehe.
thank you thank you.
Whoa you are very productive eh... I still remembered that your wife just gave birth not that long ago and now another one is coming...
well Rezeki jgn ditolak... heheh
bear: ehehe ya betul! rejeki jangan ditolak. my "baby" turned one last saturday the 18th. yup she'll be a big sister either at the end of january or early feb. by then she won't be the baby anymore la kan...
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