To be conveniently ignorant, it is really hard to believe that it was 20 years ago I was in form 5 in this school, more than 10kg lighter. While they have this MC0BA weekends every year, I haven't been back for eternity since 2005 when we celebrated our 100th. anniversary of the school. Old school, old boys, old attitude, at least when it comes to the old boys weekend. This is the opportunity to "relive" the heyday days with no worries, no responsibilities and not much care to the world. Forget 3-star, 4-star and 5 star hotels. CEO's, CFO's, office boys and balachi's alike would be staying in dormitories where bunk beds are the not optional and common toilet is the theme of the day.
Furthermore, to commemorate this special year indeed, thanks to the hardworking committee they have prepared additional itineraries for us which includes an open air BBQ and football and hockey matches against the current Form 1 children. Ah well. The current U-18 boys might be too tough to be handled alone so let's see how the coming-to-middle-age boys will fare against the almost-pube ones.
Hopefully will get more interesting photos to be posted about the event later even though I'm not bringing my own camera. As for now, this emergency one would do. You can actually click at the photo to get a larger version if you are curious enough. Weekend's starting early today for me. Have a good weekend, boys and girls. Salam.
Salam Mosh. I will be having my 20th year of leaving college reunion this weekend. As zaman dolu2 all the Form 5ves get a trip to PD, we shall be in PD , bunk beds and all. Have a great weekend. I will be! And next weekend I shall be having a reunion of primary school mates (gosh I havent seen some of them for 25 years!). You shall be travelling with one of them today! (I**n Ib.). Small world eh!
jangan lupa beli polo t-shirt budak2 hoki ye. belikan sekali untuk mrs moshi, and lil moshies.
lah, nampak gayanya mc and tkc both having reunion the same weekend eh? but i think tkc's reunion for batch kita je kot.
Have a great weekend. Stay sober...And Lana, this post reminds me yg I dah 20 tahun tak jumpa you...tak terkilan sangat coz both of us tak berubah PHYSICALLY...ahaks
Next year will mark my 10 years leaving those high school. How time flies.
Hopefully you will have an enjoyable weekend at my home town :)
Yes lana, tkc's is only for our batch. There were a few cases of hubby in KK and wifey in PD, anak2 in home town!
mrs a: ehehe tu lah. he was asking me about you also. such a small world.
we have one or 2 guys whom married the same batch of katakians. tak sempat pulak nak dapat full update on how it went for you guys. The summary was when girls got together, the favourite activity is as usual, bitc*ing around la ehehehehe. will submit an entry later when i can get some photos from them. didn't bring any camera and rasa tak semangat nak ambik gambar with the flimsy camera phone.
screwboy: aiseh tak beli lak t-shirt tu. not bad jugak. polo ori ke tu?
lana: yup for our batch only. but you're not from there kan? you were further down south kan?
the principal: the weekend was superb! we were sober as sober can be :p.
about the physical traits tu, only you and lana can confirm that ehehehe. *lips sealed*
hafiz: before you knew it, your 20th. anniversary would be looming ehehe.
cantikla kuala. i love it. very well-maintained and definitely a nice town to relax in. it was especially buzzing with activity over the weekend coz it coincided with sultan's birthday celebration. don't think it would be that busy on other weekends kan?
mrs a: unfortunately for you guys, you don't have that thing as an annual thingy like we do. best tau the carnival. i know some people who got addicted it too much that they come back almost every year. but for me, i just reserve it for special occasions like this one.
We do have an annual OGA day (usually 1st may, but this year 9th may.. old girls are allowed to sleepover) tapi takda la extravaganza macam awak.
Our next batch reunion is either when we turn 40 (dear God, help us) or our 25th year of leaving college.
Mana ada bitching! Just lots of shouting (seems to be a trait of us KTK-ians), talking, chatting and eating.. ;) Not much sleeping was done (yang terdoze off pun terpaksa bangun as the conversation was just too juicy to pass ha ha ha).. I am sooo knackered. Need another weekend to recover.
Are u aware one of your batchmates currently undergoing chemo?
mrs a: oo you do eh? didn't know that but not as extensive? best tau!
dah agak dah on the juicy part. now i wonder what are so juicy that you girls talked about sampai tido can wait also hmmm..
bf: yes of course we are aware of nasu undergoing chemo due to his AML. they're calling for platelet donations now. maybe i'd go tomorrow or the day after. one of the informal itinerary that we had was sembahyang hajat semua. infact, he was supposed to join in with payments made and everything alas, he could not.
Am praying your batch mate is well soon and mempunyai kesabaran menghadapi segala cabaran. InsyaAllah.
Psst.. some parts of the conversation involved our sons right of passage into puberty and the different senarios we faced. And how the husbands faced it too (not their puberty la, the childrens' ;) ;) )... many eye opening and jaw dropping moments..also laughing til crying moments... muaha ha ha
Duh! You didnt bring your camera? Shd have loaned you mine coz now there's no way I can see wajah terbaru my old flame...after 20 years "bercerai"...
mrs a: son going into pube eh? ehehehe. my eldest is only in standard 1 this year so can't really compare notes there. plus they are all girls except for the last one
the principal: don't worry. trust me! there were so many huge huge moment-capturing equipments abounds. here's an example of a cool video produced during our bbq dinner. can spot your old flame anywhere? thought of linking that in one entry but you get to see it first here. in high quality if you're willing to wait.
Thx...m flattered to see it first...
Yup! I can still recognise him...
1st love, what do u expect? Apek was there too, kan? Nampak mcm dia..
no offence - u guys really "grow"...
ms principal: ehehehe good for you. so terubat jiwa raga yang gelora? ahahaha! yes apek was there too. Dia orang la ada very significant "growth". Not me :p
Did u meet Zairul? This year I didnt get anything.. Only Syakirah got a lovely red t-shirt.. huhu :-(
wehei I see Farid (tolonglah carikan awek untuk dia ni :P), I see you, I see sausage, and ada this guy tak tau apa nama Yusy kot, and was that amir raslan. Tak nampak pulak other, katak, acai. ke tak perasan?
ina: ada jumpa zairul masa tengah melepak kat luar bohsan dengar present boys punya concert. kurus eh dia?
err i didn't get any t-shirt to bring home. ramai sangat lah kalau nak beli...
lols: yup your eyes are not deceiving you. awek tu susah sikit la tak tau criteria dia. yes, ahmad yusri aka batak pun ada gak. amir raslan? you know amir raslan? no amir raslan there but there was amir azlan and he'd kill you if you've mistaken him as amir raslan. joe and katak ada. acai tak datang. and i got so little camera time in there i was surprised you actually concentrated enough to see me ehehehe.
how can my eyes deceive me when farid appears so many times in the movie. I will tell him this whenever i see him.
err nasib baik i tak kenal amir azlan. i perasan aje amir raslan, i suppose silap orang kot. Yeah i know Amir raslan. hhe is in FB.
How can I miss you lah. the lighting was good masa tu and u were eating. :P
lolls: ehehe yeah farid is featured pretty prominently in the video.
adess. that gelojoh ke i makan? ahahaha! sorry couldn't help it but the lamb was damn good and we were sooo hungry ehehehe.
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