It is Thursday the 23rd already so I have to write about the 20th anniversary trip that I was talking about in the previous entry before I forgot all about it. I think everybody that turned up have the same general conclusion about it, superbly excellent!
I'll give you the rundown of the informal itinerary of the trip. Formal means the planned itinerary for the weekend planned by the MC0BA organizing committee (which is almost identical annually) and informal means whatever that was planned by our very own batch committee to commemorate our own experiences there that would run parallel to the main one.
Ideally we had to be there at 2pm on Friday 17th. Aplril at Safar1 Resort at 2pm even though my initial plan with my car-pool mates were shooting off at 2.30pm from KLSeeSee after completing the Friday Prayers there. Not surprisingly, only me and the driver adhered to the plan and we ended up shooting off from Jalan Doota toll booth after rendezvousing with our final car-mate chauffeured to the toll plaza in his brand spanking new German mark at around 3:30pm.
The trip up north was itself an event. With music from the mid 80's blaring through the very loud sound system dwarfed only the loudness of hearty laughs all around, it was definitely a trip back across time, with 4 almost-40 lads ganging up together, trying very hard to forget the 20 years that has passed by.
Is this love that I'm feeling
Is this love that I'm feeling
Is this the love that I've been searching for
Is this love or am I dreaming
This must be love
Cos it's really go a hold on me
A hold on me
After several stops while we were traversing the highway, we only arrived at our destination around 7.15 pm despite the driver clocking a minimum speed of 150km/h while we were cruising to be greeted by the sights of many almost 40 overgrown boys, laterally mostly, chatting up in the parking lot of the resort. It was not a minute before half hour that we finally offloaded our bags, shaking hands, hugging and reminiscing about old times. As for me, I am glad that I could recall the names or nicknames of almost all of them, save one or two of the pretty inconspicuous ones, despite not meeting some of them for almost 20 years compensating how age has taken the toll on the wrinkles and significant lateral expansions. Looks like my long term memory has not failed me as much as my short term ones. Signs of old age with silverish, receding hairline? Possibly. But at least all of them recognized me at first sights as well :p.
I wanted to choose the upper bunk beds but despite the fan spinning at full speed merely 5 feet above our heads, was a bad choice because in the prevailing hot weather, that would be suicidal considering that you will not feel a thing on the upper decks so naturally I moved into the lower deck of the bunk beds. So there we were, CEO's, SVP's, MD's, Macai's and Kuli Batak's alike bunking in double-decker beds, wet to the bone due to perspirations in those air-conditionless dormitories, sharing showers and toilets.
After maghrib prayers, we performed a solat hajat for our batch-mate who was supposed to come but unfortunately was diagnosed with AML about 2 weeks ago and is currently undergoing chemotherapy session and hospital confinement for at least a month. The solat hajat was also dedicated to one of my batch-mate mother who was at the time has been hospitalised in a semi-comatose state for about 11 months due to a stroke-like attack on the brain triggered by an asthma attack. She passed away on Tuesday 3:30am on Tuesday 22nd. April. Innalillahiwainnailaihiroji'un.
Consequently, there was a BBQ dinner. Courtesy of Gromm Hellscream aka Bawal, here's a cool video clip of the event. Great job Bawal! I can't view the video proper while in the office here so I'll link the video properly when I get home. As for now, anybody curious enough can go with the link here.
To be continued...
edited to add proper yootoob link and XC:XX. Copyright reserved ke? I don't know. Just nicked it off my FB XC Group
best. we all baru in discussion. wow, 20 years eh? rasa mcm baru je
Moshie Mosh, we were in bunk beds but nasib baik ada aircond. he he. Kalau tak, aiyah, panaslah!!! I should be writing about my experience.Yalah, before lupa... tapi banyak kena censor pulak..ha ha
P/s: I have yet to see your son. Malulak nak pergi visit dah lambat.. tengok-tengok anak I dah keluar :)
you yg mana satu? so, u went there dgn Izan?
I bet video ni dah high quality. Somehow tak rasa nak tengok coz... bila hati telah retak...ceh!jiwang lah pulak...
now, 2 serikandi nih (me & lana) dah jd followers you, huh? Know why? me & lana dok sebelah menyebelah (4 SS & 5 SS) so mana2 blog dia ada, I pun ada. Same taste..
Reminds me I did watch my bro in law videos a few years ago. A few yrs your senior lah.
Ha..ha..shared toilet. Wonder, wl one of my girls go to sesepi erm...sungguh dekat
lana: rasa baru eh? think of it this way. Somebody who was born when we were in form 5 would actually be 20-years-old already you know. not exactly a little kid huhuhu.
mrs A: I saw your photo in FB. you know that i know anis kan? takpela takde aircond. once in a while. censorship is standard issue. let's keep this blog a family-oriented one ehehehe.
ms principal: mana bley cakap which one is me :p
it is high quality video! all you need to do is click that HQ button and you can get superbly clear video at full-screen even. alaa tengokje la in full-screen apa nak malu...
lana has been frequenting my blog and vice versa lama dah ever since that defunct-efx2 era. lately je i've been quite dormant and baru nak beria submit entry balik.
my dormmate of 5 years couldn't make it to the reunion. kalau tak sure lagi best. he came over to the house yesterday to collect his souvenirs.
lemme guess, roden told you that i went with izan? and how did you get to know joe aka izan lah?
bf: my niece went to sesepi. the parents ended up having to visit practically every weekend. the bane of having a nearby boarding school nearby. i only received 4 visits from my parents within those 5 years, twice before exams to clear most of my junks, one due to me being admitted to hospital on the first week of form 1 due to chicken pox and once when they sent me the first time la.
mosh, anis did say she visited your baby. thats why I la yang malu sebab I tak jenguk2, jalan tak sampai 2 minit..sheesh.
Malu nak cerita but my parents came every saturday when I was in form 1 , all the way from jb dgn tiada highway (my 1 year old sister practically grew in the car!).. my grandma who lives half hour away came every friday and sunday.. hu hu. dah form 2 baru my parents came once a month. Anak bujang saya dah berangan nak masuk boarding school next year.. bolehkah saya buat begitu? macam tak saje... made me appreciate my parents sacrifice (it also meant my dad did not play golf during the weekends for a year!)
Roden - sejarahlah bro....
Izan's wife also a srikandi. She told me. Small world, huh? And she told me u r from M'cca. Sekampung. Lagi small world. I was supposed to join u guys at Muneq's wedding but had to give priority to srikandi's gathering. Some of ur friends pernah came to my hse dgn Roden. Eqram aka marqe my cousin angkat (ada ke?), BTW where's Bain? Lama tak dgr cerita dia...
p/s : My hubby kat legal, T*B. My FIL was there too.
oit, dah abis reunion (ours blom lagi) korang nak start buat jejak kasihan pulak ke?
mosh syed eddy attend gathering tu tak? lama tak dengar cerita my ex-classmate (primary school) tu
eh last time u balik melaka naik apa ya? For me those train trips are priceless ha..ha..
melaka ada train station meh? or berhenti kat Tampin? Me & Lana balik Melaka from JB naik chartered bus, kena byr RM1 je. Kalau lupa buat2 tak tau je...
mrs A: yeah she did. lama gila sembang. alahai tak kisah la tak jenguk. baby sihat alhamdulillah. sekarang dah kurang nangis so lagi ok la.
adeh letih nya parents you nak mengulang camtu. memang balik kampung nanti kena cium tangan byk2 ehehehe.
the principal: ehehehe. did you see the t-shirt he's wearing? itu jantan memang sengal.
ooo no wonder you knew izan. isk orang kampung ke? I might've heard the news of they all (I don't think i was there) pi melawat this rumah anak dara of roden's friend. it must've been you then. Bain is now working in Sing and he also came for the reunion. cool eh?
lana: memang dah buat jejak kasihan pun ni. ada la jumpa 2 3 orang through email yang lama tak jumpa so far.
syed eddie was there too. in addition, he was giving free medical check up for everybody ehehehe. he's now a doktor for mat tiarap, you know?
bf: yes we took train to melaka. or tampin in fact though it's in negeri sembilan. no doubt that's one of the highlights of our school holidays, despite the fact that it takes us 12 hours to reach home. but it's good fun. i almost fell off the carriage one day falling asleep while sitting at the door.
ms principal: ehehe we too have that kind of arrangement for special cuti like raya or so. tapi tak best lah. best lagi naik train. adventurous you. tido kat bawah kerusi orang and all
How could you???? (ceh! marah kata Roden sengal)
I like to remember him as a good friend who were always there for me through good and bad times...
ms principal: ehehe. well he is a good friend through good and bad times albeit being sengal like that. i see him almost everyday dulu for volleyball practise :)
anak askar, tak jadi askar, jadi doktor askar pun jadiklah. now i know who should i contact if i ever need his contact info eh?
so what happened after you moved to lower deck? Come la tell us.
If you don't, either Gart or me will show the world what you did.
lana: ooo yeah now i remember his father was (is?) an army officer. yes you can email me to get in touch with him but no strings attached ok? ehehehe ;)
rotis: what happened? i got to sleep and lead the philharmonic orchestra, that's what happened. apparently it was a melodious one and extremely treacherous for people who slept much later.
err what was it that i did that could not be shown to the world? :p
aiyoh! why lah u put Roden's face kat depan tu? Takut nanti I tak keruan le bila visit ur blog....
the principal err sorry not my doing la. it's the photo chosen by youtoob :p. not my intention definitely ehehehe
yelah mosh. our fathers were in the army. we went to primary in terendak together
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