Monday 4 May 2009

Da Little Fella

I am bored obviously. So I'm submitting another entry today which is not quite like me. But anyway, I have not submitted smiling photos of the little fella. So here they are at 3 months old.

As you can see, he can already smile widely with those both dimples showing (though not visible in the photos) and will make those funny faces with big widened eyes, enlarged nostrils and pouty lips trying to squeeze out those ever elusive voice that will occasionally spring out. And yesterday he finally succeeded in turning around, lying on his stomach.


butterflutter said...

Sungguh comel anak bujang en mosh

Mrs.A said...

he is sooo cute mosh!

the principal said...

Rasanye mmg tak ikut muka bapak dia, mesti ikut muka mak...comel.

I dah tau u ug mana satu. Blame it on your friends...

mosh said...

bf: tq ms buttflutt

mrs a: anak bapak seh...

the principal: eh apasal cannot comment in your blog eh? tried submitting more than 10 times but still rejected.

mana bley tak ikut muka bapak. anak bapak tu :p

alaa who was the pengkhianat bangsa who sold me out? ehehehe!

zan said...

ohhh so cute!! who is his best friend (from the girls?)

Unknown said...

ah, comelnya.

mosh said...

zan: at the moment athyra la. dok menggeramkan budak kecik tu even she's still the one orang geramkan jugak.

lana: tq auntie lana...

the principal said...


sebab nak kutuk kot, that's why tak boleh comment....

Myra said...

Wau, he's gonna grow up breaking girls' hearts. So cute!!

Lollies said...

he looks like across between your eldest and athyra.

Masya Allah. plenty of hair he got. Too much cute

famyGirl said...

eiiii cubit cubit pipi dia

mosh said...

ms principal: manade nak kutuk. cuma nak buat komentar yang berbentuk puji-pujian semata-mata :p

myra: if he were to be, then tak ikut bapak le :p

lols: his eyes are quite unique though. don't have the vocab to describe it. but it's not slanting upwards from the middle but rather downwards. none of the three have those.

entah le i tak reti nak tengok muka baby ni. except for the eyes, they all look the same to me at that age ehehehe.

famy: gigit pun best gak.

Anonymous said...

Senangnya sengih boy sorang ni. Amende yang kelakau sangat tuh. Ni pun ada potensi rambut lebat.

mosh said...

rotis: senang sengih tu definitely ikut bapak :p