Monday, 29 October 2007
malaysian blog open house proposal
just in case you didn't realise, i submitted an entry in the malaysian blog here. go give your feedback on my proposal :)
raya and more!
in case you were wondering if we managed to beraya sakan before the baby came, we DID. well not exactly beraya sakan if you asked me because even though this raya would be the longest break that i've taken so far (in total it will be about 2 weeks off, i wonder if the people in the office still remember my name when i got back), we went back to the hometown for only 4 days. ok, we love live to the max but don't want to risk it too much don't you.
if you don't know what raya is, you can read more about it here. it's a big celebration among the muslims here in malaysia.
yes, me and wifey got to eat so much lemang and rendang and ketupat for raya. if you don't know how a lemang is made, there's one photo of it. we did risk it a bit because on raya eve, wifey said that she felt some contractions already but while we could go back to the city on the day itself, the contraction didn't feel that bad during the day so we continued on until the second day of raya (sunday 14th. before heading. plus her obigyn was also on raya leave until thursday 18th. and frankly i wouldn't know where should the baby decided to come earlier.
so, we went back to the city very early indeed on sunday the 18th. considering that the monday and tuesday are still a public holiday. we had no prior experience of rayaing in the city that we were at loss of what to do. we even thought of going to one private tv station's open house on that monday but shelved the plan because it finished too "early". even our uncles and aunties who were residing in the city went back to the hometown so we stayed at home mostly and did some minor shopping for the the baby's last minute preparation and stock up on dry food which was also difficult because most of the little shops that we normally patronised were also closed while praying all the time that the baby would at least stay in the tummy until thursday for the obigyn to come back from her raya holiday as well.
here's one raya photo for you, with a purple theme, of course! what else would it be?
finally, the long-awaited thursday the 18th. arrived and we paid a visit to the obigyn. and right on cue, she said that wifey is already dilated by 4 cm and will be admitted directly to deliver on the same day. i must it was one of the easiest helped by the fact that she took epidural (she insisted on trying one even though it has been foreseen that it wouldn't be long that she had to "suffer" because even at 4 cm, no contractions were felt whatsoever) and finally, athyra (final spelling, unlike the name i spelt in the text messages keeping the 'y' convention with alyssa and amelya) came out at 5pm and i this is the first photo i took of her.
and the powerpuff girls are complete. she is definitely the champion among the 3 in terms of birth-weight at 3.68kg, hair thickness and her latest passion, crying her hearts out when she found out that she has nothing in her mouth when she wakes up. i have yet to be able to take her photos with eyes wide open so i guess this one should do for now.
i thank god for listening much to our prayers, giving us a healthy baby and timing couldn't even be more perfect than that for almost everybody. we are happy that we had plenty of time to prepare for the baby, the obigyn is happy that she did not decide to come out in the wee hours in the morning and all my family members are too because it was almost weekend and for those who were not residing in the city, that weekend would be the time for the home-town people to come over to the city to visit their relatives there as well. and to cap things off, another record set by the delivery was that wifey was already discharged on the day after only after spending one night in the hospital for the delivery. and thanks to auntie olab for the visit, present and duit raya. what else can you ask for? she even washed my dishes and cleaned my floor, hehehehe.
wikied athyra and found this.

yes, me and wifey got to eat so much lemang and rendang and ketupat for raya. if you don't know how a lemang is made, there's one photo of it. we did risk it a bit because on raya eve, wifey said that she felt some contractions already but while we could go back to the city on the day itself, the contraction didn't feel that bad during the day so we continued on until the second day of raya (sunday 14th. before heading. plus her obigyn was also on raya leave until thursday 18th. and frankly i wouldn't know where should the baby decided to come earlier.
so, we went back to the city very early indeed on sunday the 18th. considering that the monday and tuesday are still a public holiday. we had no prior experience of rayaing in the city that we were at loss of what to do. we even thought of going to one private tv station's open house on that monday but shelved the plan because it finished too "early". even our uncles and aunties who were residing in the city went back to the hometown so we stayed at home mostly and did some minor shopping for the the baby's last minute preparation and stock up on dry food which was also difficult because most of the little shops that we normally patronised were also closed while praying all the time that the baby would at least stay in the tummy until thursday for the obigyn to come back from her raya holiday as well.
here's one raya photo for you, with a purple theme, of course! what else would it be?
finally, the long-awaited thursday the 18th. arrived and we paid a visit to the obigyn. and right on cue, she said that wifey is already dilated by 4 cm and will be admitted directly to deliver on the same day. i must it was one of the easiest helped by the fact that she took epidural (she insisted on trying one even though it has been foreseen that it wouldn't be long that she had to "suffer" because even at 4 cm, no contractions were felt whatsoever) and finally, athyra (final spelling, unlike the name i spelt in the text messages keeping the 'y' convention with alyssa and amelya) came out at 5pm and i this is the first photo i took of her.
and the powerpuff girls are complete. she is definitely the champion among the 3 in terms of birth-weight at 3.68kg, hair thickness and her latest passion, crying her hearts out when she found out that she has nothing in her mouth when she wakes up. i have yet to be able to take her photos with eyes wide open so i guess this one should do for now.
i thank god for listening much to our prayers, giving us a healthy baby and timing couldn't even be more perfect than that for almost everybody. we are happy that we had plenty of time to prepare for the baby, the obigyn is happy that she did not decide to come out in the wee hours in the morning and all my family members are too because it was almost weekend and for those who were not residing in the city, that weekend would be the time for the home-town people to come over to the city to visit their relatives there as well. and to cap things off, another record set by the delivery was that wifey was already discharged on the day after only after spending one night in the hospital for the delivery. and thanks to auntie olab for the visit, present and duit raya. what else can you ask for? she even washed my dishes and cleaned my floor, hehehehe.
wikied athyra and found this.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
easy does it
first day at the office after two weeks leave. thousands of e-mails, letters and alerts to be cleared. need to crank up those rusty cogs and wheels. feels like a clueless prick. eyes hurts due to the late night last night, thanks to lastchaos. what do i do? submit an entry and add another alert for you people, hehehe
will get there. will get there. it's hard to live in a real after living a fantasy la la land for 2 weeks.
will get there. will get there. it's hard to live in a real after living a fantasy la la land for 2 weeks.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
selamat hari raya aidil fitri semua orang
to all the visitors here i would like to wish:
[SIZE="5"]Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri[/SIZE]
why so early of raya mood, you might ask. because today is my last day working before raya. i'm taking the rest of the week off (and seriously thinking of even taking half day today) plus the whole week off next week... huhuhu! [I]raya sakan![/I]
and guess what? maybe even more off days expected thereafter. the baby is expected to be on the 20th and i'm really wishing it'd be on the 20th. so that we'd have a [I]sakan raya[/I] instead of a high-speed car chase scene at the highway.
dengan yang demikian, sepert lazimnya, saya ingin mintak maaf banyak-banyak zahir dan batin kepada semua orang. kalau ada salah dan silap meninggalkan komen yang tidak wajar dan ada yang berasa hati, silalah maafkan. saya pun dah maafkan semua komen2 yang tidak membina yang telah saya terima :laugh:
*break into raya tune* Selamat Hari Raya, Hari Untuk Kita Bersukaria, Selamat Hari Ucapan, Moga Girang Hingga Sampai Tahun Depan, Selamaaaat Haaaari Raaayaaaa!
[SIZE="5"]Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri[/SIZE]
why so early of raya mood, you might ask. because today is my last day working before raya. i'm taking the rest of the week off (and seriously thinking of even taking half day today) plus the whole week off next week... huhuhu! [I]raya sakan![/I]
and guess what? maybe even more off days expected thereafter. the baby is expected to be on the 20th and i'm really wishing it'd be on the 20th. so that we'd have a [I]sakan raya[/I] instead of a high-speed car chase scene at the highway.
dengan yang demikian, sepert lazimnya, saya ingin mintak maaf banyak-banyak zahir dan batin kepada semua orang. kalau ada salah dan silap meninggalkan komen yang tidak wajar dan ada yang berasa hati, silalah maafkan. saya pun dah maafkan semua komen2 yang tidak membina yang telah saya terima :laugh:
*break into raya tune* Selamat Hari Raya, Hari Untuk Kita Bersukaria, Selamat Hari Ucapan, Moga Girang Hingga Sampai Tahun Depan, Selamaaaat Haaaari Raaayaaaa!
Friday, 5 October 2007
tags of 4
hehehe. if you're thinking that this is the tag of 5 currently reticulating in efx2blogs, no it's the tag of four that i have to do first coz i got tagged by this earlier than the 5 tags by our qisst. ok?! will do that one later don't worry err che' chomeyll and cikbee.
4 things that scare me
4 people who make me laugh
4 things i love
4 things i hate
4 things i don't understand
4 things on my desk
4 things i'm doing now
4 things i want to do before i die
4 things to describe my personalities
4 things i cannot do
4 people i want to tag
this one i want to tiru qisst
with the exception of qisst, of course
4 things that scare me
- women in the mornings when they wake up! hehehehe
- lizards crawling up upon my arms
- airborne cockroaches
- stray cats getting trapped in my house while nobody's home and pee/ poop in the house
4 people who make me laugh
- myself sometimes
- the car mechanics while looking at the bills
- my daughters, in their good days
- wifey, when she's rolling her eyes at my antics
4 things i love
- love thyselves
- god, parents, family and those>
- definitely not the car mechanics
- my pc at home that had served me unquestioningly while i play the online game
4 things i hate
- i do hate myself sometimes you know
- have to relieve those bowel motions desperately despite being in not so conducive toilets
- red traffic lights all the way home
- flat tyre or stranded
4 things i don't understand
- myself can eh?
- women
- cats
- dogs
4 things on my desk
- buku kod etika
- my staff card
- some strewn papers/ un-filed documents
- the pc's monitor
4 things i'm doing now
- not being entirely truthful
- talking to a sulking wife
- sratching my head
- sulking myself
4 things i want to do before i die
- all the religious obligations
- live a debt-free life
- dentures maybe, if i live long enough
- die before wifey
4 things to describe my personalities
- male lion: sleeping all the time
- cockles: grinning for many hours of the day
- polar bear: huggable?
- panda bear: dark circles, clear sign of lack of sleep
4 things i cannot do
- dance, thank god you've been spared the embarrassment of not being my dance partner
- sing, ok i can a bit but not in a way that can impress the girl next door but i think much better tone control than my neighbour hehehe.
- get below 70kgs, not that i've really tried
- play field games like soccer, rugby or hockey. court games ok
4 people i want to tag
this one i want to tiru qisst
- first blogger to leave comment
- second blogger to leave comment
- third blogger to leave comment
- fourth blogger to leave comment
with the exception of qisst, of course
Thursday, 4 October 2007
love me for who I am ……
Love me for who I am ……
One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed.
Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me."
I said, "WHAT??!! What was that?!"
So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear...
"You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."
She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"
Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.
The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her.
We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said, "Lets get a pair for each outfit."
We went on to the jewelry department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you... she was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play tennis.
I think I threw her for a loop when I said, "That's fine, honey." She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, "I think this is all dear, let's go to the cashier."
I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it."
Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, "WHAT?"
I then said, "Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman."
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either....but at least that bitch knows I'm smarter than her.
Alright girls. Repost this if you agree. Hell even if you disagree, repost it.
Men, repost this because you have balls.
[I]i'm not reposting this as a proof that i have balls. i just think it's funny. and pretty smart guy![/I]
One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed.
Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me."
I said, "WHAT??!! What was that?!"
So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear...
"You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."
She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"
Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.
The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her.
We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said, "Lets get a pair for each outfit."
We went on to the jewelry department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you... she was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play tennis.
I think I threw her for a loop when I said, "That's fine, honey." She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, "I think this is all dear, let's go to the cashier."
I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it."
Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, "WHAT?"
I then said, "Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman."
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either....but at least that bitch knows I'm smarter than her.
Alright girls. Repost this if you agree. Hell even if you disagree, repost it.
Men, repost this because you have balls.
[I]i'm not reposting this as a proof that i have balls. i just think it's funny. and pretty smart guy![/I]
rezeki (bequeaths?) in ramadhan
i know i have 2 tags to do which comes with numbers 4's and 5's but i'd like to put this much delayed entry first, can eh?
if you were wondering why my blog has been lacking photos that i've been capturing lately, it is mainly due to the fact that the video camera that i bought early october last year (which i am still serving the 24-month interest period by the way similar to the one pictured on the left) has died on me for a very long time ago. the last time i used it was when i got a cracked windshield en route to kluang for my cousin's wedding and i can't exactly remember whether that was 2, 3 or 4 months ago.
no it didn't die a "shocking" violent fate befallen unto dropped items or had any dysfunctional parts due to excessive handlings by my two daughters. it died a slow and natural death of battery drain and was in a prolonged nap like sleeping beauty because the charger could not be found anywhere. the fact that the trip to kluang also included a stopover at my parents', i was at loss to think of the exact location of the last time i used the charger among the three separate venues inclusive of my house.
with the raya and baby impending arrival, it would be silly to have spent (or still spending coz interest-free period is still ongoing) that obscene amount of money and did not get to capture those occasions, because that was the sole purpose of buying it in the first place. so, last weekend, i was all set of giving up on looking for it and was finally going to the shop to get another one.
we planned to look for it on sunday afternoon last weekend at the lengkungan, the place where we bought the videocam. in the morning, i was doing some lightweight cleaning in the lounge room which involved some dusting, collecting strewn papers and pamphlets to be organised for recycling purposes.
there is this little basket in the living room which serves no purpose other than being a supposedly-temporary holding area for little messes and magazines when clearing up the coffee table. somehow as i was membebeling about the magazines being in the temporary place for many moons, i lifted up the magazines to the placed into their rightful places (either recycled or reorganised onto the bookshelf) and viola! the charger is just curling pretty underneath the magazines like a little phyton sleeping with a full tummy. suddenly, my videocam is full of life again and those kids certainly enjoyed the session afterwards looking at the 500+ photos that we have taken throughout the entire life of the videocam.
and all i could say is alhamdulillah. after those months only to find it on the very last day before we were to buy a redundant but surely expensive accessory to the videocam owing to the brand name, it is one of those little things that we sometimes forgot to thank god for the rezeki that He showered us.

no it didn't die a "shocking" violent fate befallen unto dropped items or had any dysfunctional parts due to excessive handlings by my two daughters. it died a slow and natural death of battery drain and was in a prolonged nap like sleeping beauty because the charger could not be found anywhere. the fact that the trip to kluang also included a stopover at my parents', i was at loss to think of the exact location of the last time i used the charger among the three separate venues inclusive of my house.
with the raya and baby impending arrival, it would be silly to have spent (or still spending coz interest-free period is still ongoing) that obscene amount of money and did not get to capture those occasions, because that was the sole purpose of buying it in the first place. so, last weekend, i was all set of giving up on looking for it and was finally going to the shop to get another one.
we planned to look for it on sunday afternoon last weekend at the lengkungan, the place where we bought the videocam. in the morning, i was doing some lightweight cleaning in the lounge room which involved some dusting, collecting strewn papers and pamphlets to be organised for recycling purposes.
there is this little basket in the living room which serves no purpose other than being a supposedly-temporary holding area for little messes and magazines when clearing up the coffee table. somehow as i was membebeling about the magazines being in the temporary place for many moons, i lifted up the magazines to the placed into their rightful places (either recycled or reorganised onto the bookshelf) and viola! the charger is just curling pretty underneath the magazines like a little phyton sleeping with a full tummy. suddenly, my videocam is full of life again and those kids certainly enjoyed the session afterwards looking at the 500+ photos that we have taken throughout the entire life of the videocam.
and all i could say is alhamdulillah. after those months only to find it on the very last day before we were to buy a redundant but surely expensive accessory to the videocam owing to the brand name, it is one of those little things that we sometimes forgot to thank god for the rezeki that He showered us.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
this will do, for now
found out when i was clearing my alerts today that the old style commenting facilities where you can actually see the entries and other people's comments when trying to comment on a post have been implemented by some people. so, full of envy, i browsed through the leaders page looking (and expecting) a simple way of implementing those. so, the next best thing would be to install a new template that will implement that automatically. and viola! all the little customisations that i made previously just vanished into thin air obviously.
furthermore, i found that the right-side column is waaaay too small to my liking. spent the rest of the hour combing the html codes only to find something remotely legible to possible to modify the column width. suspected that it has something to do with the td.rightside thingy finally after several swears and curses. but somehow the very very thin right-side column just simply wouldn't budge!
after trying for an hour and beginning to realise i might have to live with the thin right column which is so not like me, i reinstalled the shoutbox and somehow, magically it expanded. needless to say since it's almost 2 am already, i don't have the luxury to even dwell into the aesthetics part so i guess my blog will stay in this very basic, boring and colourless format for now. at least i got the right-side column to be generously proportioned, right?
and guess what? only after i submitted this entry, and tried to post a testing comment, it does not come with the inline form or whatever they call it as stated by lollies in the shoutbox! damn! well it's too late and i'm going to bed. tomorrow then, bah!
furthermore, i found that the right-side column is waaaay too small to my liking. spent the rest of the hour combing the html codes only to find something remotely legible to possible to modify the column width. suspected that it has something to do with the td.rightside thingy finally after several swears and curses. but somehow the very very thin right-side column just simply wouldn't budge!
after trying for an hour and beginning to realise i might have to live with the thin right column which is so not like me, i reinstalled the shoutbox and somehow, magically it expanded. needless to say since it's almost 2 am already, i don't have the luxury to even dwell into the aesthetics part so i guess my blog will stay in this very basic, boring and colourless format for now. at least i got the right-side column to be generously proportioned, right?
and guess what? only after i submitted this entry, and tried to post a testing comment, it does not come with the inline form or whatever they call it as stated by lollies in the shoutbox! damn! well it's too late and i'm going to bed. tomorrow then, bah!
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