no it didn't die a "shocking" violent fate befallen unto dropped items or had any dysfunctional parts due to excessive handlings by my two daughters. it died a slow and natural death of battery drain and was in a prolonged nap like sleeping beauty because the charger could not be found anywhere. the fact that the trip to kluang also included a stopover at my parents', i was at loss to think of the exact location of the last time i used the charger among the three separate venues inclusive of my house.
with the raya and baby impending arrival, it would be silly to have spent (or still spending coz interest-free period is still ongoing) that obscene amount of money and did not get to capture those occasions, because that was the sole purpose of buying it in the first place. so, last weekend, i was all set of giving up on looking for it and was finally going to the shop to get another one.
we planned to look for it on sunday afternoon last weekend at the lengkungan, the place where we bought the videocam. in the morning, i was doing some lightweight cleaning in the lounge room which involved some dusting, collecting strewn papers and pamphlets to be organised for recycling purposes.
there is this little basket in the living room which serves no purpose other than being a supposedly-temporary holding area for little messes and magazines when clearing up the coffee table. somehow as i was membebeling about the magazines being in the temporary place for many moons, i lifted up the magazines to the placed into their rightful places (either recycled or reorganised onto the bookshelf) and viola! the charger is just curling pretty underneath the magazines like a little phyton sleeping with a full tummy. suddenly, my videocam is full of life again and those kids certainly enjoyed the session afterwards looking at the 500+ photos that we have taken throughout the entire life of the videocam.
and all i could say is alhamdulillah. after those months only to find it on the very last day before we were to buy a redundant but surely expensive accessory to the videocam owing to the brand name, it is one of those little things that we sometimes forgot to thank god for the rezeki that He showered us.
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