well not exactly some big revelations brought to you by me. just a recollection of significant happenings over the year (and can be shared ;) in here) mostly for my own recollection and cross-referencing. i don't know know about you people but i don't find myself that interesting to read each and every single one entry of mine, cover to cover, all the time.

- alyssa's/ amelya's birthday: with the exception of this year (err still in (financial) planning stage), the year would always start with the joint birthday celebration of these two. entry here.
- almost-one-year-old car broke down: the only time that i went outstation and it had to happen. entry here.
- few nights in bangk0k: our only rubber stamp in our international passport this year. entries here and here. looking back, i'm glad that i went with my parents also.
- bring it on!: the screaming girl on the right was confirmed to be around. entry here.
- paintball game: the first (and hopefully not the last) time i tried shooting other people, legally albeit not lethally. entry here.
- blogger meet: first time meeting blogging friends apart from the ones i already knew personally. a precursor to the much bigger meet later. and the honour goes to olab and rotinotti. entry here.
- another blogger meet: the initial planning stage (too bad comments are missing after the efx2blogs migration), final plan and the post analysis. we had a good time for sure.
- first (almost) chinese wedding attended: a friend of mine married a chinese girl. i was the saksi. entry here.
- mmorpg!: august must've been around the time that i started playing this mmorpg game that has currently taken over my life, thanks to pb whom i don't see around it anymore. earliest entry about it maybe here. by the way, pb if you're reading this, i currently have a lvl 41 healer, lvl 40 rogue, a 34 summoner and a 31 knight which i used to perform auto-levelling of the horse :D. thanks to the knight, both my healer and rogue have level 37 horses.
- efx2 domain big bang: as we all know by now, it should be around this time around. here's the first (non)-entry i submitted on 20th. sept. (non) entry because the form to type in the entry did not even go through the office proxy (possibly due to javascript blocking by our office proxy) hence the empty entry with only the title and comments.
- puasa/ raya month: our last raya with my dad :(. also had an interesting event of malaysian blog open house with all the frantic preparations mostly done by elisa and an eerie air of quietness over the first 15 minutes of the allocated time that we were wondering whether only the hosts are going to be the only ones turning up :). it was a huge success in the end with a back-breaking alerts and screen refreshes with the added bonus of elisa gaining an orang putih pet.
- athyra wuz 'ere: and still is, alhamdulillah. entry (along with the raya wish) was here.
- my arwah father: i submitted only 6 entries in november and the last four was on my late father ;(. al-fatehah
- my blogging life first ever anniversary: and here's the entry.
well those are the ones recorded in the blog mostly. apart from those, i'm not even sure if i have anything else that i need to remember. ok maybe things like unsuccessfully applied for another job (shhh!), little trips around the country here and there, major arguments that we had (did we? i can't even remember) or yadda yadda yadda. oo yes i almost forgot. it was also the first year (right at the end of it also on the 26th. dec) that we ever tried to tolerate a live-in maid whom is now very sad for leaving her 14 year-old son and sangat kecewa due to some misunderstandings that she had with her agent regarding the remunerations.
but whatever it was, it would be a year that would be mostly remembered as the year my father passed away about one month after athyra was born. apparently according to past records and highlighted by my cousins (and it still holds), my fathers 8 siblings had always passed away in pairs within one or two months . and now there are 2 of them left and would the record holds till the end? only God knows.
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi ro ji'un. al-fatehah.
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