- What color is your phone? [indent]- blue and white, like in the photo[/indent]
- Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M? [indent]- mamat (former office mate)[/indent]
- Who's the last person you called? [indent]- immediate boss[/indent]
- Who was your last missed call from? [indent]- wifey[/indent]
- Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D? [indent]- danial (former office mate too)[/indent]
- Who's speed dial 2? [indent]- wifey[/indent]
- Who's the 3rd person who comes up under Z? [indent]- zainuddin (also former officemate, hmmm...)[/indent]
- Who was your last received call? [indent]- bro-in-law, informing me more money to slip out of the wallet[/indent]
- Who's speed dial number 4? [indent]- sis (point to the bullet above, bro-in-law's wife)[/indent]
- What is your background? [indent]- err monochrome phone no background but screen saver is one of the default with digital clock and some seaside mountain with a yacht and 2 birds flying over the mountains.[/indent]
- How many text messages do u have? [indent]- 5 only. one reason is because the sim card memory doesn't hold that many. second reason, prudent practise for husbands with wives that read their messages occasionally :D[/indent]
- Who's in ur speed dial ? [indent]- mum's home, wifey, my home, sis, my children's godfather and godmother, a good friend, immediate boss, last one of course girlfriend! (hehehe, no... unassigned)[/indent]
- What's the 5th message say in your inbox? [indent]- luckily i have 5 messages left. kind of too long to be reproduced here but it was an invite for the birthday party last weekend from an ex-koleq guy.[/indent]
- Who's the 1st person who comes up under B? [indent]- bad razli (former koleq mate also)[/indent]
- Who was your last text message from? [indent]- younger bro informing me that they're waiting outside already. i was supposed to pick them up from the airport at 6:30. only got there at 7:15 due to a little mishap in the car en route.[/indent]
- Name every person you have text messages from: [indent]- bro, backdoor neighbour, another former officemate, ex-koleq mate[/indent]
- Have you seen the 101 Chuck Norris facts? [indent]- how is this related again? but the answer is no.[/indent]
- Who's the 9th person on your missed calls? [indent]- elder bro's house, related to the picking-them-up-from-the-airport-thingy i guess.[/indent]
- What does the 3rd message in your Outbox say? [indent]- phone is too advanced that it doesn't save outgoing messages, sorry.[/indent]
- Who is the first name in your Phonebook? [indent]- ablah, former vp and former backdoor neighbour also.[/indent]
now now, who to tag? olab, rotinotti, tony and the bapak-baru abi...
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