Monday 30 June 2008

ignorance is a bliss

found this on my peer's table after i came back from a 2-day mid-week break. well not exactly like that but in a much more presentable form with the cookie whole and has a complete M written on it, nicely wrapped in the crumpled plastic bag in the background and tied aesthetically with the ribbon. unfortunately, the morning stomach rumblings got the better of me and i couldn't even think of taking the photo before i downed half of the decorative cookie.

if you can't read the writings, i'll put it down here. it says: MOSH, for being a friend. Love, Secret Admirer

Under normal circumstances, i'd be extremely thrilled to receive such a present. not that i wasn't. it's just that the secret admirer is not really that secret because she texted me the day before telling me that she had left it on my colleague's desk because my room was locked as i was on leave.

what did i do to deserve such a flattering gift? not much. i just ignored her when she took refuge in my room the day before, tired from her fasting until she finally dozed off on the sofa behind my chair. now that is something new i learn about the fairer sex. even ignorance can be appreciated ehehehe.

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