Lama dah tak tampal gambar anak kat blog. Here are some when they were the flower girls for my niece's wedding over the weekend. Bigger prospect for cucu's in addition to the 2 boys and 1 girl already. All from wifey's side and long way to come from mine.

No photo of the little anak jantan though. Not very trigger-happy with the crappy 2MP camera phone.
Beautiful daughters you hv there...Hmmm, let me guess, ikut muka mak?
alalaaa.. atasinchi sudah jadik anak dara... sudah boleh join sisters...
itu baju custom made ka?
mosh, nice dresses. even prettier girls. definately ikut muka mak... muaha ha...(think I will be hanging my blog shoes soon).. finally at this 3rd pregnancy, I feel pregnant... ! :-)
Masya Allah beautiful girls you have there mosh. Ini baju shina jahit ke?
hello people! beautiful people come from beautiful parents ok? :p
the principal: ye muka mak kot. kalau ikut muka bapak lagi cun :p
mamarawks: dah jadi anak dara kenit dah tu. tapi jalan ada kena lurus sikit kaki. nasib baik pakai dress cover sikit. sorry to disappoint you people but the baju was not custom but factory produced. somehow all three sizes were available. no credit to me for finding it, of course.
mrs a: laa why hanging your blog shoes soon? preggy cannot type eh?
lolls: Alhamdulillah. Tu semua ujian for them and mak bapak tu.
she didn't make that one. beli kat kedai.
supposedly on the dais, athyra should've sat in the middle kan? tapi ada that merenjis stuff so tak cukup space for her kena la tumpang sebelah kakak dia tu.
You make pretty lovely girls.. should make more. More!
Kalau tak rugi nanti beli baju lawa-lawa takde orang pakai. Heheheh
rotis: made already. but all the others blocked by an invisible shield. 3 hand-me-down generations not enough meh?
cucuk jgn tak cucuk roti hehehe..
i nak tgk gambar anak jantan you..mesti bobot habis :)
tapi si rambut lebat masih maintain dgn pipi gebu...jeles nyaa..anak i kurus, jaga badanlah katakan :P
zan, that's supposed to be meant for mosh kan?
cucuk jangan tak cucuk
my sabbatical leave lama kot. didnt expect jd cikgu tadika pun byk kerja. Wrong profession...again? Next year jgn lupa undi I ye. Nak masuk Akademi Fantasia. Easy money.
I bet Izan will invite you gi hse warming rumah baru dia. His wife my friend, so...I'll see you there. Tak puas hati nih when u said kalau ikut muka bapak lagi cun...
ya mr screw ..
zan and screw: mana bley cucuk roti. nanti abih keluar angin semua, tak fluffy dah.
ms principal: seriously nak masuk akademi fantasia? but, err i don't quite watch that show lah. in fact, i don't watch much tv also.
dah siap dah rumah dia eh? ever since that koleq event, lama tak dengar cerita dia dah. fb pun that time sangat active. nowadays macam diam je.
mosh tell shina perhaps she could develop something with her talent. i love her taste on your daughter's baju yang dia jahit.
lolls: she has started a blog to sell something actually but not finalised yet. but now with 2 little kids and 1 overgrown, bearded "kid" to entertain mostly, not much time left to sit in front of the sewing machine.
Ada jugak tu hari I asked her if she wanted to attend a short course ke apa. Still, the time constraint was a factor especially masa tu takde maid. Tengoklah after shaqeef more than 6 months bley la try balik.
Mosh.. tell shina, I would definately buy for my daughter!! Especially kalau harga berpatutan...
very busy la I think itu Izan.. was at the Anuar Zain concert with his wifey last night. Am still over the moon... sigh ... such a charmer AZ
mrs a: no need to tell. she reads every single comment there is including the implied (not by me) oggling of anak dara orang heh!
oo she was there too eh? ya la si izan tu busy dok potong lutut orang je.
i read in gart's that you're going again?! so went over the moon twice? waaa
waahh tak sabar. nak custom made boleh? tapi shina beli kainlah. i tak pandai. oohhh berangan berangan.
Mosh, Over the moon and back... My friend kept jabbing me "Oii... hubby kat rumah!".. ha ha... potong steam betul.... nasib baik 2 malam saje, kalau tak puas I mencari babysitter (couldnt impose on the hubs for more than 1 day balik awal dari kerja ). .. last night was free pun, my bunk-mate from the first day at college.. BFF!!
lolls: IF you were to balik, bley la berdiskusi dgn dia.
mrs a: seghonok kemain la tu. sah le tinggal hubby kat rumah, crooning and drooling over AZ. luckily he's quite a looker so kalau anak dlm tu dpt iras2 dia ok la jugak kan?
Hey, you are the first guy friend who actually said he is a looker.. yang lain tu jealous kot.. Anak I dapat lesung pipit dia, suara ke, or his nice nice teeth (they were so mesmerising!) pun jadilah.... :). My hubby and son can drool over Megan Fox in Transformers this weekend... saya dah puas ogle Anuar.. he he..
mrs a: he is quite, provided that he doesn't speak or move, heh!
and for your hubby and son (ok lah, maybe not your son), please ask them to read my latest entry ehehe.
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