We finally received our annual offerings from the kompenikedekutletrik, the diary/notebook and large wall calendar that will adorn my empty office wall. I have to admit I really like the ring-bound layout of this year's diary cum notebook. It is the "cum" part that I like most because our previous diaries has always been pure diary where there have been days where those tiny daily space was either too little to squeeze in all those notes and useless scribbles you furiously write in the meetings and or too big to write anything at all. So this year, they reduced the overall size to a more friendly size, slightly larger than those generic off-the-shelf flip up notebook and with the other half of the diary/ organiser filled up with blank pages where you can write to you imaginations' content in it instead of bound by the small daily partitions in diary style entries.
To my delight, I also discovered the holidays that we are going to have being in the former national capital would only fall on the days that matters most. I thought we had it good this year with the holidays mostly extending our weekends to some extended weekends throughout the year. However, for the year 2009, it is going to be even better! All 11 days of public holidays for next year (First Raya and First CNY) and the 2 "state" holidays that we would have would only fall on 4 days; Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays so we are looking forward to at least 11 weeks of 4 working days out of the 52 weeks. A nice thought for the new year it will be then. And for those in adjoining state with a Sultan, they would be enjoying a 4-day week for a continuous 4 weeks in December. Lagi la sungguh tak aci...
Monday, 22 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Lame Update
Lama tak update blog ni. Hey! At least the blog can still be updated from the office where the proxy has been upgraded lately that it has blocked practically all the interesting access that I have been enjoying so far. After this, no more google talk, no more skype chats and most definitely, my mukabuku account would only be visited once in a while at home when I think about it. Forget about downloading songs or listening the songs that you all share in your blogs and don't even think about watching any videos online anytime soon.
Same old things are happening around my life. Practically no more annual leave left so I'll be camping at the office until the new year comes, enjoying the serenity within and en route to the office while other people are finishing off their annual leave in droves. I did take a day off last Friday to go to Bandung with my family on a trip that was not meant to be initially, the first time I set foot on our neighbouring country. Came back at 2.30pm on Aidhiladha. The original flight on 26th. December was booked some six months ago, before we knew that wifey was pregnant. We had made up our mind to forgo the flight because wifey would be almost 35 weeks pregnant by then and even if we were willing to assume the risk flying, I don't think the airline is willing to do the same for us anyway. However, due to some advanced planning on the airline side saying that our upcoming 26th. December would be delayed by three hours and we had the liberty to change our flight at will without penalty, we brought the flight forward to 5th. December and there we were.
I was not really in the mood for practically anything including shopping so all I got for myself was a cross-trainer, to be used in the office while playing table tennis because at the rate that I'm going, my working shoes were lucky enough to survive even one year of daily use. No photos were practically taken as well and I did not even bother bringing the videocam for this trip. Did I not tell you that I haven't been very enthusiastic lately. Could be another explanation for the lack of updates in here as well.
And to the last few remaining readers of this blog, if any, I would like to wish you all Selamat Hari Raya AidhilAdha.
Same old things are happening around my life. Practically no more annual leave left so I'll be camping at the office until the new year comes, enjoying the serenity within and en route to the office while other people are finishing off their annual leave in droves. I did take a day off last Friday to go to Bandung with my family on a trip that was not meant to be initially, the first time I set foot on our neighbouring country. Came back at 2.30pm on Aidhiladha. The original flight on 26th. December was booked some six months ago, before we knew that wifey was pregnant. We had made up our mind to forgo the flight because wifey would be almost 35 weeks pregnant by then and even if we were willing to assume the risk flying, I don't think the airline is willing to do the same for us anyway. However, due to some advanced planning on the airline side saying that our upcoming 26th. December would be delayed by three hours and we had the liberty to change our flight at will without penalty, we brought the flight forward to 5th. December and there we were.
I was not really in the mood for practically anything including shopping so all I got for myself was a cross-trainer, to be used in the office while playing table tennis because at the rate that I'm going, my working shoes were lucky enough to survive even one year of daily use. No photos were practically taken as well and I did not even bother bringing the videocam for this trip. Did I not tell you that I haven't been very enthusiastic lately. Could be another explanation for the lack of updates in here as well.
And to the last few remaining readers of this blog, if any, I would like to wish you all Selamat Hari Raya AidhilAdha.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Alyssa's (and Amelya's) Weekends
Back to regular programming I guess after those unintelligible entries.

On Saturday 8 Nov, while I spent the whole day cursing and trying to clean up the mess left by those bachelors living in that rented house for 3 years, the girls went for some photography session for those princessy contest (I had no idea what it was all about. Had to google and found some link there) Actually the contest was only for Alyssa only 6 years and above were eligible to enter but of course, we couldn't let Amelya watched while her big sister was being all princessy and photographed so wifey just played along. And yesterday, we received a text message saying that Alyssa had been shortlisted so I have to find my way to that place on Nov 22nd. I am not really a big fan of asking little girls to dress up and being made up trying to imitate stuff adults would have to do such as dancing and singing but I guess I'll just play along as well for now.
The next day, we had to be around my office even earlier than I would normally be on weekdays for Alyssa's kindy graduation day. Amelya had also taken part in one of the performances by 5 year-olds. Alyssa started off by giving a speech as the wakil pelajar that she had been rehearsing at home (at which I found it hard to correct her pronunciation of everybody who was present that day as a present as in gifts rather than presenting your report when she insisted that her teacher taught her the other way but I was gleaming with smiles when she pronounced it correctly (yes!). No photos of that because I used the videocam to tape the whole three and a half minutes.

Then she narrated a story while either 2 or 3 students acted on what she was narrating and I missed the whole thing completely in answering unfinished nature's business call which I thought had been completely taken care of at home.
Amelya participated in a sing-along choir in which unfortunately the best photo that could be captured above those proud parents' head swarming the stage did not really convey her true emotions while singing.

Fast forward towards the certificate conferment(? can't think of the proper term right now), those are the photos that show how those 6 year olds being lined up to receive their certificates, Alyssa being the final recipient of hers. And Alhamdulillah, she was also selected as one of the best students of her graduation year (one from each gender) and that was her proudly receiving her empty tube with no scrolls inside and continuing the tradition of Lollies' and MsKLSentral's firstborns being selected as the best students of the Kompeni's kindy in their time (Phew! Pressure! Pressure!)

And if you were wondering what Athyra was doing during those 3 hours, she was happily roaming around prying into other people bags and stuff and walking incessantly in and around the open space in the big hall. That was an attempt to get her to fall asleep which wifey had finally succeeded just in time to get us to have the refreshments provided in relative peace.

The next day, we had to be around my office even earlier than I would normally be on weekdays for Alyssa's kindy graduation day. Amelya had also taken part in one of the performances by 5 year-olds. Alyssa started off by giving a speech as the wakil pelajar that she had been rehearsing at home (at which I found it hard to correct her pronunciation of everybody who was present that day as a present as in gifts rather than presenting your report when she insisted that her teacher taught her the other way but I was gleaming with smiles when she pronounced it correctly (yes!). No photos of that because I used the videocam to tape the whole three and a half minutes.

Amelya participated in a sing-along choir in which unfortunately the best photo that could be captured above those proud parents' head swarming the stage did not really convey her true emotions while singing.

Monday, 10 November 2008
Some Craps
Hope leads to Disappointment
Disappointment leads to Resentment
Resentment leads to Anger
Anger leads to Wrath
Wrath leads to Insanity
Does it mean that we should give up hoping? I think not. Hope is what drives us human. Without hope there would be no vision, passion, excitement and triumphs. Conversely, without hope, there would be no sadness, pain, suffering and humility. Life would then would be such a dull, infinite void like a ship sailing in a middle of water with no land, no gigantic waves, no violent wind, no captain and no objective. Life would be so stagnant, boring and content.
Disappointment leads to Resentment
Resentment leads to Anger
Anger leads to Wrath
Wrath leads to Insanity
Does it mean that we should give up hoping? I think not. Hope is what drives us human. Without hope there would be no vision, passion, excitement and triumphs. Conversely, without hope, there would be no sadness, pain, suffering and humility. Life would then would be such a dull, infinite void like a ship sailing in a middle of water with no land, no gigantic waves, no violent wind, no captain and no objective. Life would be so stagnant, boring and content.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Eight Is a Generous Number
Happy Anniversary Sayang!
Though it could've started better, but time waits for no one. Still trying to figure out a way to be absolutely sure it's NOVEMBER and not DECEMBER. Thank God we got married in 2000 or I would have problem remembering it's eight years also. And I can still fit into that Nikah Ceremony baju melayu though :)
Though it could've started better, but time waits for no one. Still trying to figure out a way to be absolutely sure it's NOVEMBER and not DECEMBER. Thank God we got married in 2000 or I would have problem remembering it's eight years also. And I can still fit into that Nikah Ceremony baju melayu though :)
Thursday, 30 October 2008
All In a Day
I started the day feeling the exact opposite of Mr Caprio when he shouted "I am the king of the world!" Felt much better after sitting down on my chair for about half an hour and over some little chit chat with my roommate (yeah! I have a roommate in the office now!) More chit chats over breakfast and afterwards and I was basically not productive throughout the whole morning.
Really sweated it out over those little green table with three other men, forgetting lunch altogether. Thankfully nobody complained of anything smelly over the 3 o'clock meeting. Felt really appreciated (in the lack of a better word to describe) after lunch break as though I have the best ears in the world ehehe.
And yet, still do not have desire to plan anything despite it being 3 days away. How ironic it can be that history is repeating itself. Let's just hope it won't be replicating exactly as it happened before. And that is the end of this very cryptic entry of which only I know all the pieces that will make up the whole picture.
Really sweated it out over those little green table with three other men, forgetting lunch altogether. Thankfully nobody complained of anything smelly over the 3 o'clock meeting. Felt really appreciated (in the lack of a better word to describe) after lunch break as though I have the best ears in the world ehehe.
And yet, still do not have desire to plan anything despite it being 3 days away. How ironic it can be that history is repeating itself. Let's just hope it won't be replicating exactly as it happened before. And that is the end of this very cryptic entry of which only I know all the pieces that will make up the whole picture.
Friday, 24 October 2008
Vanity Overkill Part 2
I feel like singing "Oops! I did it again!"
Yes folks! If you have been following the program, here is the proof that I did not back off my words.
Presenting, my potato head. If you don't believe me, you just have to take my word for it. And if are inspired enough to follow my footsteps, I have a piece of advise for you.
When you go around and see those little corner barber shops, just surrender your head to them and pay whatever good money they're asking of you. Believe me, it will be worth it. Unless you are so much in love with yourself staring at it butt nekkid for two continuous hours, cold, wet and fingers all wrinkled up. Or you don't mind looking like an escapee from a sanatorium trying to blend uncomfortably into the society while you are en route to those barber shops anyway to ask them to finish the uncompleted job. Because those twin-bladed or triple-bladed shavers were never designed to shave anything more than 10mm long in bulk. They would get all cranky and simply glided over those mountains of hair.
Especially if you were halfway through and suddenly you found yourself in a pitch dark bathroom and with only a towel wrapped around your shivering body, you got yourself out half expecting to find somebody trying to pull a prank on you by switching off the lights. Only to discover that the whole suburb were in complete darkness due to some supply interruption somewhere out there and for five long minutes, pondering and unsure of what the next course of action should be. Thankfully those comrades of mine did an excellent job and I was never more appreciative of their efficiency.
The verdict? Loving it and this is definitely not the last time that I would do it.
Yes folks! If you have been following the program, here is the proof that I did not back off my words.

When you go around and see those little corner barber shops, just surrender your head to them and pay whatever good money they're asking of you. Believe me, it will be worth it. Unless you are so much in love with yourself staring at it butt nekkid for two continuous hours, cold, wet and fingers all wrinkled up. Or you don't mind looking like an escapee from a sanatorium trying to blend uncomfortably into the society while you are en route to those barber shops anyway to ask them to finish the uncompleted job. Because those twin-bladed or triple-bladed shavers were never designed to shave anything more than 10mm long in bulk. They would get all cranky and simply glided over those mountains of hair.
Especially if you were halfway through and suddenly you found yourself in a pitch dark bathroom and with only a towel wrapped around your shivering body, you got yourself out half expecting to find somebody trying to pull a prank on you by switching off the lights. Only to discover that the whole suburb were in complete darkness due to some supply interruption somewhere out there and for five long minutes, pondering and unsure of what the next course of action should be. Thankfully those comrades of mine did an excellent job and I was never more appreciative of their efficiency.
The verdict? Loving it and this is definitely not the last time that I would do it.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Vanity Overkill
Did I tell you somehow I was getting vain lately? It is a bit too early for a mid-life crisis for me, isn't it? Fortunately, I did not go on a shopping spree looking for the latest fashion and adornments and I still use that trusty old bar of soap to "cleanse" my face (and the rest of the body) rather than being metrosexual and look for the latest and most effective skin toning and firming facial cleansers. At least not yet.
However, my vain self was suddenly staring into the mirror 2 days ago noticing painfully how much the rate of receding hairline has somehow accelerated. Which calls for desperate measures! No, I am not going to make our Datuk Sam envious of my even-better planted locks than what he's having right now. That is way too desperate. I am thinking of a more demurred but not so subtle way of dealing with it. Shave it all off. The ones you, and you, and you can see, with the hope that it should revitalize the much shampooed hair of mine.
It won't be the first time though. At last count, I think I have done it at least twice in my adulthood, or the whole life for that matter. I don't think I have been been flashing the epidermis of head when I was a teenager or way before.
Given the gender mix of readers of this blog, I doubt that I could invite anybody to join me with this one. I am thinking of maintaining this one for a much longer period though. Depends on how rajin it is going to be for me to keep it cleanly shaved given current propensity or the lack of discipline to even keep my face clean-shaven. We'll see about that.

It won't be the first time though. At last count, I think I have done it at least twice in my adulthood, or the whole life for that matter. I don't think I have been been flashing the epidermis of head when I was a teenager or way before.
Given the gender mix of readers of this blog, I doubt that I could invite anybody to join me with this one. I am thinking of maintaining this one for a much longer period though. Depends on how rajin it is going to be for me to keep it cleanly shaved given current propensity or the lack of discipline to even keep my face clean-shaven. We'll see about that.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Raya Celebration and Pregnancy Background
I have no excuse for not updating. No time? I have plenty of time, only used it for something else, not updating the blog. No stories to tell? Plenty, if I include ALL the juicy happenings which might not be printable in the first place ehehe. However, Raya and wifey being pregnant are 2 big occasions that are worthy of an entry by themselves. Since I am lazy I'll combine those 2 in this one.
Maybe I'll adhere to pure chronological event and tell a story that I have been telling others countless numbers of times in real life and chat boxes. About the pregnancy.
If anybody had been paying close attention to my blogs that much, they would notice that I have not even made a single passing mention on the worthy subject prior to Athyra is Walking entry. Not that I wanted to keep it as Highly Classified Information (though we'd like to keep the gender secret *wink wink*) that deserves a place under the OSA but simply owing to the fact that we (we as in me and wifey) did not know about it. After getting her menses for the first few months, she mentioned to me that she had missed one and the test came out negative. I had asked her to go to a clinic for a proper check and ultrasound scan just to make sure and throughout, I've always thought that she actually made the trip to the clinic, and she did not. And the menses never came back with innocent breastfeeding as the wrongly-blamed culprit.
In the absence of morning sickness and any other related telltale signs, she was only convinced to actually pay a visit to an O&G only after she felt some kind of movements and I went along just to make sure. Surely enough, she was estimated to be 20 weeks pregnant and the not-so-little worm thriving inside was almost half a kilo already with the EDD around late January or early February. And my sweet little adorable Athyra would be around 1 year 3 months by then.
So, there you have it. Hopefully I won't have to repeat the story again after this. I think I am way beyond broken records already ehehe.
Ok now about raya. Of course, apart from the usual commute back and forth between one PD to another (my kampung is also a PD you know? Grandfather's Swamp), this was the first raya without my father. As much as we would like to remember him in our prayers and celebration, the living keeps on living, right? My fear was mostly for my mother and thankfully she seemed to be strong enough to be going through it alone among the full regiment of my siblings and their children. Again, we did not take a group photo this year (which we did not last year) and those limited photos that I put up in my FB was taken with a measly phone. How I wished I had a proper camera, compact or DSLR to prop up the mood of photo sessions.
I also gave the usual raya BBQ routine that we have on the eve of the second or third day of raya which had been going on for many years this year a miss and I do not even know if they did have one in the first place because by the that time, my Raya time in my kampung has ended as we made our final stop in PD with my in-laws.
We spent the whole day of Saturday visiting wifey's a few of wifey's sisters houses and I spent the night glued to Time Traveller's Wife while wifey needs to come up with the usual things required for a menerima and engagement ceremony. Oh yeah. I almost forgot to mention that I finally unwrapped the book from its pristine, transparent cover and got through it over the raya period. My verdict, a very technical love story, most possibly a tear-jerker for the fairer sex and I like it. Not the run-of-the-mill love story and I am pretty intrigued on the subjects that they do talk about within their daily conversations. Sounds pretty unreal to me but then again, he was a librarian whom thrives on books anyway.
Ok back to the topic at hand. The engagement ceremony was performed on Sunday, the fifth day of raya, complete with dais and my 2 girls were selected as the accompanying flower girls. It went on until around 3 o'clock. After some acts of trying to look busy helping out with the cleaning bit, we made our way back to KL around 6pm. Except for the half hour queue at a right-turning traffic light junction, traffic was smooth on the trunk road and thank goodness I don't have to endure that multiple hours traffic jam in those main arterial highways nationwide.
I guess that's all I can say in this ironically very muted entry. And a longwinded one at it as well
Maybe I'll adhere to pure chronological event and tell a story that I have been telling others countless numbers of times in real life and chat boxes. About the pregnancy.
If anybody had been paying close attention to my blogs that much, they would notice that I have not even made a single passing mention on the worthy subject prior to Athyra is Walking entry. Not that I wanted to keep it as Highly Classified Information (though we'd like to keep the gender secret *wink wink*) that deserves a place under the OSA but simply owing to the fact that we (we as in me and wifey) did not know about it. After getting her menses for the first few months, she mentioned to me that she had missed one and the test came out negative. I had asked her to go to a clinic for a proper check and ultrasound scan just to make sure and throughout, I've always thought that she actually made the trip to the clinic, and she did not. And the menses never came back with innocent breastfeeding as the wrongly-blamed culprit.
In the absence of morning sickness and any other related telltale signs, she was only convinced to actually pay a visit to an O&G only after she felt some kind of movements and I went along just to make sure. Surely enough, she was estimated to be 20 weeks pregnant and the not-so-little worm thriving inside was almost half a kilo already with the EDD around late January or early February. And my sweet little adorable Athyra would be around 1 year 3 months by then.
So, there you have it. Hopefully I won't have to repeat the story again after this. I think I am way beyond broken records already ehehe.
Ok now about raya. Of course, apart from the usual commute back and forth between one PD to another (my kampung is also a PD you know? Grandfather's Swamp), this was the first raya without my father. As much as we would like to remember him in our prayers and celebration, the living keeps on living, right? My fear was mostly for my mother and thankfully she seemed to be strong enough to be going through it alone among the full regiment of my siblings and their children. Again, we did not take a group photo this year (which we did not last year) and those limited photos that I put up in my FB was taken with a measly phone. How I wished I had a proper camera, compact or DSLR to prop up the mood of photo sessions.
I also gave the usual raya BBQ routine that we have on the eve of the second or third day of raya which had been going on for many years this year a miss and I do not even know if they did have one in the first place because by the that time, my Raya time in my kampung has ended as we made our final stop in PD with my in-laws.

Ok back to the topic at hand. The engagement ceremony was performed on Sunday, the fifth day of raya, complete with dais and my 2 girls were selected as the accompanying flower girls. It went on until around 3 o'clock. After some acts of trying to look busy helping out with the cleaning bit, we made our way back to KL around 6pm. Except for the half hour queue at a right-turning traffic light junction, traffic was smooth on the trunk road and thank goodness I don't have to endure that multiple hours traffic jam in those main arterial highways nationwide.
I guess that's all I can say in this ironically very muted entry. And a longwinded one at it as well
Friday, 26 September 2008
My Last Day Before Raya
Buah cempedak buah kepaya
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan
Bapak budak mau beraya
Silap dan salah tolong ampunkan.
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin.
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan
Bapak budak mau beraya
Silap dan salah tolong ampunkan.
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Three Cheers for Athyra

Ok. That may be a little bit of over-dramatization but Alhamdulillah, Athyra is now finally walking, if you can call getting upright, taking a few steps, moving all around to balance while taking those several steps, tumbling and diving into whatever that can be perceived as safe haven and repeat the cycle again as walking. I would love to take Athyra's photo again in that Aqiqah ceremony outfit but this will do for now.
My little Athyra, now taking the gigantic leap towards toddler-hood. Towards being independent. Preparing herself to be a big sister come February 2009.
Saturday, 13 September 2008
An Episode Before Iftar
Today, on Friday, we came back in 2 separate cars, which would not normally happen on weekdays where we would carpool and come back in one car. Typically on Friday, the roads would be more horribly choking than the usual unbearable jam anyway. It was a busy day in the office, clearing the horrible mess resulted from me making half of my room available to another person bunking in so we didn't get to discuss what to have for iftar. She was in the other car with all the children and I was driving alone in the small green car. So, I was practically talking to her on the phone, without handsfree kit, while looking into my rear windscreen in the gridlocked traffic.
Wow! That sounds like a very dull intro. Haven't been writing for a while and I'll try to make it more interesting from now onwards to make it worth your while.
While we would normally go home together and she'll cook just in time for iftar, the congestion was extraordinarily bad. So, we decided maybe to eat outside for today. Until at the very last traffic light junction, I received a quick call from her saying our fasting Alyssa would like to have nasik lemak at home and I am entrusted to buy some ingredients from the local grocery store.
To cut a long story short, I was already in front of the cash register that showed a total of RM4.60. And viola! I suddenly discovered I had no paper money in my wallet at all! Instantaneously, I remembered when it's too late that the last 100 I had in the wallet was given to Alyssa to pay off her kum0n. An I don't need to be a genius to tell that the paltry amount of coins that I had in the wallet would not even cover half of that amount. Blue-faced, I told the cashier to hold on to the goods while I made my way to the nearest petrol station which is within a walking distance from the grocery store. And this was when the iftar time is looming within 30 minutes.
A hurried walk saw me arriving at the petrol pump in 5 minutes. And guess what? I don't even need to go into the convenience store to see the highly visible sign pasted conspicuously on the ATM saying "Out of Order". Oops. Failed on the second contingency there.
So, what did I do now that the deadline has been reduced to a mere 25 minutes? Surely I would take about 15 minutes to go back and forth and secure some money from home. So, I had to make the straightest face and go to the cashier to secure the goods on credit (aka hutang) first to make sure we could eat on time , then come back and pay when the chef was coming up with the evening delicacies.
Which I succeeded since I don't exactly have the face that would scam anybody at first instance. At least I would like to think that I don't.
So, thankfully this story ends with a happy ending even though we had to wait impatiently for about 5 minutes before the rice cooker's switched popped up. And everybody lived happily ever after, up till now at least...
Wow! That sounds like a very dull intro. Haven't been writing for a while and I'll try to make it more interesting from now onwards to make it worth your while.
While we would normally go home together and she'll cook just in time for iftar, the congestion was extraordinarily bad. So, we decided maybe to eat outside for today. Until at the very last traffic light junction, I received a quick call from her saying our fasting Alyssa would like to have nasik lemak at home and I am entrusted to buy some ingredients from the local grocery store.
To cut a long story short, I was already in front of the cash register that showed a total of RM4.60. And viola! I suddenly discovered I had no paper money in my wallet at all! Instantaneously, I remembered when it's too late that the last 100 I had in the wallet was given to Alyssa to pay off her kum0n. An I don't need to be a genius to tell that the paltry amount of coins that I had in the wallet would not even cover half of that amount. Blue-faced, I told the cashier to hold on to the goods while I made my way to the nearest petrol station which is within a walking distance from the grocery store. And this was when the iftar time is looming within 30 minutes.
A hurried walk saw me arriving at the petrol pump in 5 minutes. And guess what? I don't even need to go into the convenience store to see the highly visible sign pasted conspicuously on the ATM saying "Out of Order". Oops. Failed on the second contingency there.
So, what did I do now that the deadline has been reduced to a mere 25 minutes? Surely I would take about 15 minutes to go back and forth and secure some money from home. So, I had to make the straightest face and go to the cashier to secure the goods on credit (aka hutang) first to make sure we could eat on time , then come back and pay when the chef was coming up with the evening delicacies.
Which I succeeded since I don't exactly have the face that would scam anybody at first instance. At least I would like to think that I don't.
So, thankfully this story ends with a happy ending even though we had to wait impatiently for about 5 minutes before the rice cooker's switched popped up. And everybody lived happily ever after, up till now at least...
Thursday, 4 September 2008
No, I Am Not Linked To Screwboy
If you think I were somehow psycho-kinetically linked to Screwboy after reading his post here and mine, apart from this tiny little occasion, I would like to clarify that I have never experienced any other twin-like reflexes despite being in the same office with him for the past err 5 years maybe.
I have a confession to make. I am mosh and I am a microsleeper. I had one expensive instance yesterday. I microslept during my little food-less lunch time excursion to submit the reconfirmation forms of my all-grown up Alyssa for next year's coming of age schooling year in which she has been really looking forward to.
The price I had to pay? A lot of pride, a busted driver-side front tyre, some unknown damage to the drive shaft or whatchamajinga under the car and a lot of sweat under the hot sun which liquid would only be replenished 5 hours later and a rude awakening, if I may add. If you are somehow familiar with the Taman Tun area approaching LDP opposite the Green and Yellow/ Red Petrol station with a huge tyre shop right in the middle (how apt!), you would be able to imagine that the road will curve to the left as you approach the LDP. I was not feeling tired at all throughout the journey. And the night before was one of the few nights that had I enjoyed a good 7.5 hours of sleep. So you could either blame it on the hot sun or the lack of nicotine in the bloodstream. Either way, ironically the last thing I remembered was thinking about one of my conversation with my brother-in-law about how car insurances would only pay up only a portion of your claims should you under-insure your car. The next thing I know, there was this loud thud coming from the front of the car and I was climbing the 4-foot-tall earthern road divider, ramming straight into it in my sleep. It didn't take a genius to know that my driver-side front tyre was totally busted and I stopped over in that work clothes to do the manly thing of changing into the spare tyre.
Thankfully, apart from the horribly scratched rims, minor scratches on the bumper and maybe some unknown costs of material damages on the front-right tyre and axle, I don't have to deal with a mangled piece of metal that used to be my car or worse still, deal with a mangled piece of meat that used to be me.
I have a confession to make. I am mosh and I am a microsleeper. I had one expensive instance yesterday. I microslept during my little food-less lunch time excursion to submit the reconfirmation forms of my all-grown up Alyssa for next year's coming of age schooling year in which she has been really looking forward to.
The price I had to pay? A lot of pride, a busted driver-side front tyre, some unknown damage to the drive shaft or whatchamajinga under the car and a lot of sweat under the hot sun which liquid would only be replenished 5 hours later and a rude awakening, if I may add. If you are somehow familiar with the Taman Tun area approaching LDP opposite the Green and Yellow/ Red Petrol station with a huge tyre shop right in the middle (how apt!), you would be able to imagine that the road will curve to the left as you approach the LDP. I was not feeling tired at all throughout the journey. And the night before was one of the few nights that had I enjoyed a good 7.5 hours of sleep. So you could either blame it on the hot sun or the lack of nicotine in the bloodstream. Either way, ironically the last thing I remembered was thinking about one of my conversation with my brother-in-law about how car insurances would only pay up only a portion of your claims should you under-insure your car. The next thing I know, there was this loud thud coming from the front of the car and I was climbing the 4-foot-tall earthern road divider, ramming straight into it in my sleep. It didn't take a genius to know that my driver-side front tyre was totally busted and I stopped over in that work clothes to do the manly thing of changing into the spare tyre.
Thankfully, apart from the horribly scratched rims, minor scratches on the bumper and maybe some unknown costs of material damages on the front-right tyre and axle, I don't have to deal with a mangled piece of metal that used to be my car or worse still, deal with a mangled piece of meat that used to be me.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Celebrating Life
How can a life filled with laughters, loves, friendships, responsibilities, food and other worldly leisures can still be soooo lonely at times? I guess that is the beauty of life in the first place.
p/s: Selamat menyambut Ramadhan to all.
p/s: Selamat menyambut Ramadhan to all.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
My Guardian Angel
I am not sure if anything I were to say in here would be against our aqidah. If it were, please feel free to alert the jahil me.
I have always believed that I have a guardian angel consistently looking over my shoulder, watching out for any significant missteps that I am about to execute in the course of my life. We all should have, right? But I also believe that mine has been working hard indeed. Reflecting back, I can think of many many occasions in which some actions that I would have taken or some decisions that I would have made could have steered into the dark, unknown paths that I should not have ventured into in the the first place.
While I was not a troubled child that was consistently bringing pain and heartaches to my parents, I am not a model citizen either. There are things that I have done that would simply serve as membuka pekung di dada if I were to put it down here. However, those things that I have done are either "harmless", as Gartblue has described me, or those are the harmful things purely on short term basis and were in no way would have any grave consequences or reverberating impact on the general direction of my life.
Thanks to this very hard-working Guardian Angel of mine, I am still in the "right" path, God willing. Whenever I was about to execute the milestones that would make me veered considerably into the dark side, those tasks were either simply impossible to perform or there was no way I could proceed with the chosen course of action or it was just simply the wrong timing for it, which I could only attribute it to the work of some unseen hands. There were times when I had to simply get back to the "right" path with no other options left for me to do.
If you are confused, I am too. But at least I know that I am still moving in the correct direction. And for that, I thank you God. Amin.
I have always believed that I have a guardian angel consistently looking over my shoulder, watching out for any significant missteps that I am about to execute in the course of my life. We all should have, right? But I also believe that mine has been working hard indeed. Reflecting back, I can think of many many occasions in which some actions that I would have taken or some decisions that I would have made could have steered into the dark, unknown paths that I should not have ventured into in the the first place.
While I was not a troubled child that was consistently bringing pain and heartaches to my parents, I am not a model citizen either. There are things that I have done that would simply serve as membuka pekung di dada if I were to put it down here. However, those things that I have done are either "harmless", as Gartblue has described me, or those are the harmful things purely on short term basis and were in no way would have any grave consequences or reverberating impact on the general direction of my life.
Thanks to this very hard-working Guardian Angel of mine, I am still in the "right" path, God willing. Whenever I was about to execute the milestones that would make me veered considerably into the dark side, those tasks were either simply impossible to perform or there was no way I could proceed with the chosen course of action or it was just simply the wrong timing for it, which I could only attribute it to the work of some unseen hands. There were times when I had to simply get back to the "right" path with no other options left for me to do.
If you are confused, I am too. But at least I know that I am still moving in the correct direction. And for that, I thank you God. Amin.
Monday, 25 August 2008
Athyra's Aqiqah Ceremony
We went back to our hometown at 3:00pm on Friday, the day before the ceremony. I was somehow too tired to even witness the slaying of the cow. Slept through the whole event and only woke up to help out cut out the meat into edible pieces.
I do notice that this is my third consecutive posts featuring this little, generously-haired little person. However, there were some requests of the photo of the dress being put on the intended person so here it is.
In danger of becoming a trend, I also missed the marhaban ceremony. I was grudgingly negotiating the low pressure shower in the bathroom due to water being utilised extensively somewhere else hence a extended version of the routine (which is quite long in its optimal state. By the time I was properly dressed in that purple baju melayu and adorned with a decorated songkok, the ceremony was already over. The photo that you see of her was captured by some other person and Alyssa whom were entrusted to take photos was more interested to capture the regiment of marhabannis (if I could call them that) instead of taking snapshots of Athyra's crown being snipped away. Thankfully, her thick locks survived the ideal almost unscathed and we have long decided before not to shave it off. If you must know, that photo there was taken after the ceremony and there is not much visible change to her glorious crown.
Despite the last minute notification by a text message in the previous night, 2 missed calls and an unreplied text message from her, Lollies did make it to the event, awakening me from my deep slumber after the marhabban ceremony was done when she arrived at around 1pm. Thank you Lollies! I am not sure whether they had enough to eat or not but I made sure to ask them to the point of irritation whether if they have had enough to eat. And they (Mr Lollies, Lollies and and the Lollies Junior) stayed well over until 4pm when they decided to make a move before I stopped them because Rotidua gave me a call saying that she was still deciding to drop by 5 km away from my parents' en route to her own hometown to pick up her children.
In the end, Rotinotti decided not to stop by despite seeing me from the main road chatting away in those purple baju melayu with Lollies. Lollies' theory was not she was not in her best tudung and mine was that the sight of me could be compared to how it was described by Fahri in Ayat2 Cinta as a drop of dew dropping onto his heart, very soothing and clearing off any doubts whatsoever upon his choice of bride. No I have not read the book nor saw the movie and that description was purely a regurgitation of a third party narration and that description could be slightly of-tangent so forgive my ignorance if you must. And due to such an overwhelming feeling, Roti got cold feet and decided not to drop by (ahahaha!).
Anyway, the second photo is the one I took myself after somebody knocked some senses into me and by that time, all the actions were over and our celebrity of the day was getting her beauty sleep to survive another day.
Somehow I have not been in this kind of blogging mood for a while and it is more than obvious that this rambling has been a lot more than necessary to describe a small occasion by any measure of grandness. It could be due to the fact that I have been very well-rested over the weekend despite having to participate in 2 kenduris and 1 birthday party all within the course of 2 days covering some distance in excess of 300kms. With that, I bade farewell, for now, before I go on and on boring all the readers to death.

In danger of becoming a trend, I also missed the marhaban ceremony. I was grudgingly negotiating the low pressure shower in the bathroom due to water being utilised extensively somewhere else hence a extended version of the routine (which is quite long in its optimal state. By the time I was properly dressed in that purple baju melayu and adorned with a decorated songkok, the ceremony was already over. The photo that you see of her was captured by some other person and Alyssa whom were entrusted to take photos was more interested to capture the regiment of marhabannis (if I could call them that) instead of taking snapshots of Athyra's crown being snipped away. Thankfully, her thick locks survived the ideal almost unscathed and we have long decided before not to shave it off. If you must know, that photo there was taken after the ceremony and there is not much visible change to her glorious crown.
Despite the last minute notification by a text message in the previous night, 2 missed calls and an unreplied text message from her, Lollies did make it to the event, awakening me from my deep slumber after the marhabban ceremony was done when she arrived at around 1pm. Thank you Lollies! I am not sure whether they had enough to eat or not but I made sure to ask them to the point of irritation whether if they have had enough to eat. And they (Mr Lollies, Lollies and and the Lollies Junior) stayed well over until 4pm when they decided to make a move before I stopped them because Rotidua gave me a call saying that she was still deciding to drop by 5 km away from my parents' en route to her own hometown to pick up her children.

Anyway, the second photo is the one I took myself after somebody knocked some senses into me and by that time, all the actions were over and our celebrity of the day was getting her beauty sleep to survive another day.
Somehow I have not been in this kind of blogging mood for a while and it is more than obvious that this rambling has been a lot more than necessary to describe a small occasion by any measure of grandness. It could be due to the fact that I have been very well-rested over the weekend despite having to participate in 2 kenduris and 1 birthday party all within the course of 2 days covering some distance in excess of 300kms. With that, I bade farewell, for now, before I go on and on boring all the readers to death.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Invitation to Athyra's Aqiqah

We would be having Athyra's kenduri aqiqah in the Land of the Mousedeer tomorrow Saturday 11:45am. So if you happen to pass by the area, please drop by and give me a call for direction. If you don't have my number, err how to give out eh? Can try e-mailing me or ask from lollies, gartblue, zan, olab, rotinina and some other people who has my number i think, if they haven't deleted it from their phone book eheheh.

So people, anybody who is interested in attending this gala event, please buzz me. This is not an ajak-ajak ayam kind of invitation. I would really appreciate it if anybody could join us
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Little Updates

- Athyra is taking baby steps just now. Hopefully she'll be walking by raya time to wear that little creamy-purplish dress made by wifey last night gracefully.
- Atypically received enough sleep for 2 nights in a row. Yesterday night, slept at 8.30pm due to sleep deprivation. Last night? "Forced" to sleep early due to the above. The bane of having the PC and sewing machine occupying the same table.
- Hope of weaning Amelya of that nightly diapers somehow disappeared. Few nights ago, she was dry for 4 nights in a row. Not quite for 2 days now.
- I know those before bedtime spelling bouts with Alyssa is very beneficial. Let's see how long it could last. Have to think of more intermediate words for her.
note: picture is for illustration purposes only. no relation to entry whatsoever. taken in the car en route to work this morning
Friday, 8 August 2008
Aye aye Sir!
Always say yes when the boss asks to do anything. Work out the nitty gritty details later or even go back to him/ her if you encounter difficulties of a gigantic scale. But always say yes first
My working life has been based on that simple principle, survival principle I'd like to call it. It shouldn't be hard to adhere to and very workable. Maybe I should tell that to that dumb, always-deviating-from-topic-of-discussion, clueless Senior Manager in the daily morning meeting under heavy artillery from the General Manager who was very much in line, correct and factual about what he was talking about. Even how clueless or pointless you are, being ignored about many irrelevant stuff you brought about, please don't display your foolishness to 30 over people in the meeting room including those 1-month old engineers. An OK followed by some nodding would have been enough to minimise the already decimated image of yours. No I am not angry at anybody even though he made me had my breakfast a good half hour later. I just wonder what he has learnt over 20 years of working, that's all.
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Reminiscing Old Times
I didn't get to catch up with lollies during the bloggers gathering at EE-Kay-Aah on Tuesday because uncharacteristically, my schedule was fully occupied for the first 3 days of the week. So we made an alternative arrangement to meet up today.
We set the venue as KLSentral as it is very convenient for us the Elektrik people and also MissKLSentral. I took the LRT with gartblue, pretty concerned when I saw her 1.5 inch heels which she assured me would not pose a problem for her at all walking from the office towards the LRT station. So there we were at this very Irish-ly named Kopitiam, at 12:45pm (the agreed time was 12:30) and staring at each other, guarding furiously the huge table with a not-so-discrete signboard saying Reserved for More than 5 People. Of course we had to wait for lollies who came about 15 minutes later to fill up the numbers while deflecting all the attempts from waiters and customers alike from our firmly-established territory right in front of main door which will usher in the hot humid air every time those uncivilised people left the huge door open upon entering.
MissKLSentral had an office function so she came much later at around 1:40pm. By then, the chit-chats had gone into full swing. It has been a while since we had this kind of conversation which was a regular feature on a normal weekday err, 5 years ago when all of us were working in the same department. Among the issues that came up was about this signboard when JackJack needed to ease himself, looking for the toilet. Read from afar, the dark blue arrows on a black background is totally invisible and it seemed to read Toilet Information. Ah well, that was the sort of things we chatted about anyway.
All in all, it was good fun. It was nice to be relive the old days once in a while. The last time I met KLSentral was the last time lollies met her during her last summer anyway. Of course, gartblue is still working in the same office but I have to practically walk the whole breadth of the building to get to her place because our rooms are simply at the opposite ends of the buildings and it would burn a reasonable amount of calories to make the trip...

All in all, it was good fun. It was nice to be relive the old days once in a while. The last time I met KLSentral was the last time lollies met her during her last summer anyway. Of course, gartblue is still working in the same office but I have to practically walk the whole breadth of the building to get to her place because our rooms are simply at the opposite ends of the buildings and it would burn a reasonable amount of calories to make the trip...
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
I don't know why but it seems that efx2blogs is eerily quiet now (the ones that I'm subscribed to, anyway) apart from the updates from screwboy and myra. I have yet to clear my reader alerts so is it possible that almost all of my subscribed bloggers have moved away?
Anyway, back to the original topic. Tagged by myra in here
Who to tag? I'm running out of options actually so whoever feels like doing, leave a comment here and do lah!
Anyway, back to the original topic. Tagged by myra in here
- 1st time naik kapal terbang (first time riding a plane) Definitely when I went to the land down under to start my high school there when I was 17.
- 1st time beranak (First delivery) Never had and never will be in the foreseeable future. And not a grain of curiosity how it would be too.
- 1st time gi overseas If the land of the screwboy doesn't count, then similar to no 1.
- 1st time duduk jauh drp family (First time staying away from family) Form 1 when I went to the school. Like myra, the little boy cried too :)
- 1st time kerja (First time working) When else but while waiting for SPM results. Tried waiting at a restaurant. Lasted for 1 day and couldn't get out of bed the day after, and after, and after.
- 1st time rasa diri gemuk (First time feeling that I'm fat) Never also, ehehehe.
- 1st time bercinta? (First time in love) Do falling in love with teachers count?
- 1st time rasa diri cantik?? (First time I think that I'm beautiful) Can I say when I started to appreciate beauty? ahahaha!
- 1st time masuk cinema (First time going into a cinema) Azura!!!! enough said.
- 1st time admitted in hospital On the very first week of question no 4 due to chicken pox. The loneliness made me glad to see that the school matron came to visit, until my parents made the 400km journey again after 3 days to pay a visit.
Who to tag? I'm running out of options actually so whoever feels like doing, leave a comment here and do lah!
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Three cheers for mosh! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
I have finally transferred all my entries from my previous blog in efx2blogs. Like the physical counterpart, I supposed that provides the all-important milestone that I have moved permanently from the old home to the new one.
I am definitely going to miss the little, friendly and heartwarming ambience that we had there. It was the place that got me hooked to blogging and like they always say, you'd never forget your first girlfriend ehehe. When it crashed the first time, the admin side seeemed to be frantically working to rectify the situation. but this time around, they are nowhere to be seen. and they have been quiet for the past few months it seems. so, I came to the conclusion that the bloghosting facility has been on cruise-control for the past few months and the best decision to be taken in the interest of blogging would be to abandon ship.
while I was copying and pasting the entries into this new house, I came across the entry that I wrote when my father passed away. Call me sentimental but it still brought some tears to me and at the same time, reminded me why entries are important in the first place. Ok, I will try to be more vigilant on submitting entries hopefully from now on.
Gotta go for lunch. Ta ta for now.
I have finally transferred all my entries from my previous blog in efx2blogs. Like the physical counterpart, I supposed that provides the all-important milestone that I have moved permanently from the old home to the new one.
I am definitely going to miss the little, friendly and heartwarming ambience that we had there. It was the place that got me hooked to blogging and like they always say, you'd never forget your first girlfriend ehehe. When it crashed the first time, the admin side seeemed to be frantically working to rectify the situation. but this time around, they are nowhere to be seen. and they have been quiet for the past few months it seems. so, I came to the conclusion that the bloghosting facility has been on cruise-control for the past few months and the best decision to be taken in the interest of blogging would be to abandon ship.
while I was copying and pasting the entries into this new house, I came across the entry that I wrote when my father passed away. Call me sentimental but it still brought some tears to me and at the same time, reminded me why entries are important in the first place. Ok, I will try to be more vigilant on submitting entries hopefully from now on.
Gotta go for lunch. Ta ta for now.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
A New Beginning
This is finally my proper entry in this arena (if you can call it a proper entry). If you haven't been tuning into the programme, apparently I have managed to outlive my previous blog (http://moshimoshi.efx2blogs.com) and it seems that nobody would be maintaining that blog host anymore. So I have no choice but to seek refuge in this "condominium blog" (quoting elisa). It was a lovely smallish closed community but all good things must come to an end and I suppose that was the end of it. I have reserved this name for quite some time (ever since the first catastrophe that has engulfed the previous blog before) planning to use it as a backup but never had the discipline to copy and paste. Spend quite a bit of time copying and pasting and i think I'd better write something first before I fell asleep with such repetitive and tedious task. 2 pages of entry lists down, 5 to go. I'll get to the aesthetics part when I am done archiving so in the mean time, you would have to bear with this one.
I'll skip the introductory bit because I would think only the regulars would be visiting this one. Not the most interesting blog this is. Not such much of mind-boggling revelations and not very informative as well.
Well, we shall get down to business then.
Alyssa has several firsts over the last weekend. On Friday, she spotted that her first permanent tooth has sprouted up from her lower jaw. Unfortunately, it has grown quite independently without pushing out the milk tooth. Being as vainly as I am on dental aesthetics, the first thing that we did after lunch on Saturday was to bring her to a dentist. So, her first experience with a dentist unfortunately was not a pleasant one because she had to endure the pain of pulling out a perfectly working milk tooth to accommodate the upcoming permanent tooth. Tears were welling out when she saw the huge anaesthetic syringe but took it in stride without a whimper uttered from the mouth.
I went to that particular dentist because it was within the vicinity of my house. Not by accident also because i happen to know that MissKLSentral also brings her children there. As the dentist was preparing the syringe and looking at Alyssa's card, she said that my name sounded familiar and asked me if the year I was born and then whether I was in the BTU programme before which I attended err 20 years ago ehehehe. And viola! She actually remembered me from those days and I was dropping names here and there while trying vainly to remember any event from those jurassic era that I could relate to her. Of course, I failed miserably that I had to call MissKLSentral to gain some clues on refreshing my memory which again amounted to nil. Possibly that was why I still had to pay RM60 for that tooth extraction :D. Must look for those old photo album when I go back to the hometown.
In the evening, Alyssa had requested me to fix her flat tyres in her abandoned bicycle and take off those small training wheels. She had tried riding on 2 wheels some time 2 months ago and failed miserably and she wanted to try again that day. After searching for a good half hour for a bicycle shop in the neighbourhood, i finally found a motorcycle shop which had a small section in the rear dedicated to bicycle and finally got the tube replaced at RM6! Wasn't it like RM1 during those times when I had to find a replacement tube for my own bike? I know, I know it's a long time ago :p.
When it was good to go, all I had to do was to aid her to get the bicycle moving and viola! Discounting the fact that she was riding over almost everything in her path, she was actually balancing on 2 wheels unaided. Have to reconsider the pledge that I made to her before that I would buy her new bikes when she could ride successfully ehehehe. By Sunday, she was happily zooming out and about and did not require any assistance anymore. That was definitely a lot easier than when I tried to learn myself and I am sure she would appreciate the fact that she did not have to endure the experience of having her private parts knocked violently onto the handle and horizontal bar while cruising downhill without control when trying to learn to ride on 2 wheels.
I haven't posted an entry for a while also and I think this entry is very dry. Ah well, I'd do better next time. This should be enough for my loyal fans (aha!), to know that I am still alive and well in the blogland. Till the next entry, my friends.
This is finally my proper entry in this arena (if you can call it a proper entry). If you haven't been tuning into the programme, apparently I have managed to outlive my previous blog (http://moshimoshi.efx2blogs.com) and it seems that nobody would be maintaining that blog host anymore. So I have no choice but to seek refuge in this "condominium blog" (quoting elisa). It was a lovely smallish closed community but all good things must come to an end and I suppose that was the end of it. I have reserved this name for quite some time (ever since the first catastrophe that has engulfed the previous blog before) planning to use it as a backup but never had the discipline to copy and paste. Spend quite a bit of time copying and pasting and i think I'd better write something first before I fell asleep with such repetitive and tedious task. 2 pages of entry lists down, 5 to go. I'll get to the aesthetics part when I am done archiving so in the mean time, you would have to bear with this one.
I'll skip the introductory bit because I would think only the regulars would be visiting this one. Not the most interesting blog this is. Not such much of mind-boggling revelations and not very informative as well.
Well, we shall get down to business then.
Alyssa has several firsts over the last weekend. On Friday, she spotted that her first permanent tooth has sprouted up from her lower jaw. Unfortunately, it has grown quite independently without pushing out the milk tooth. Being as vainly as I am on dental aesthetics, the first thing that we did after lunch on Saturday was to bring her to a dentist. So, her first experience with a dentist unfortunately was not a pleasant one because she had to endure the pain of pulling out a perfectly working milk tooth to accommodate the upcoming permanent tooth. Tears were welling out when she saw the huge anaesthetic syringe but took it in stride without a whimper uttered from the mouth.
I went to that particular dentist because it was within the vicinity of my house. Not by accident also because i happen to know that MissKLSentral also brings her children there. As the dentist was preparing the syringe and looking at Alyssa's card, she said that my name sounded familiar and asked me if the year I was born and then whether I was in the BTU programme before which I attended err 20 years ago ehehehe. And viola! She actually remembered me from those days and I was dropping names here and there while trying vainly to remember any event from those jurassic era that I could relate to her. Of course, I failed miserably that I had to call MissKLSentral to gain some clues on refreshing my memory which again amounted to nil. Possibly that was why I still had to pay RM60 for that tooth extraction :D. Must look for those old photo album when I go back to the hometown.
In the evening, Alyssa had requested me to fix her flat tyres in her abandoned bicycle and take off those small training wheels. She had tried riding on 2 wheels some time 2 months ago and failed miserably and she wanted to try again that day. After searching for a good half hour for a bicycle shop in the neighbourhood, i finally found a motorcycle shop which had a small section in the rear dedicated to bicycle and finally got the tube replaced at RM6! Wasn't it like RM1 during those times when I had to find a replacement tube for my own bike? I know, I know it's a long time ago :p.
When it was good to go, all I had to do was to aid her to get the bicycle moving and viola! Discounting the fact that she was riding over almost everything in her path, she was actually balancing on 2 wheels unaided. Have to reconsider the pledge that I made to her before that I would buy her new bikes when she could ride successfully ehehehe. By Sunday, she was happily zooming out and about and did not require any assistance anymore. That was definitely a lot easier than when I tried to learn myself and I am sure she would appreciate the fact that she did not have to endure the experience of having her private parts knocked violently onto the handle and horizontal bar while cruising downhill without control when trying to learn to ride on 2 wheels.
I haven't posted an entry for a while also and I think this entry is very dry. Ah well, I'd do better next time. This should be enough for my loyal fans (aha!), to know that I am still alive and well in the blogland. Till the next entry, my friends.
Monday, 30 June 2008
ignorance is a bliss

if you can't read the writings, i'll put it down here. it says: MOSH, for being a friend. Love, Secret Admirer
Under normal circumstances, i'd be extremely thrilled to receive such a present. not that i wasn't. it's just that the secret admirer is not really that secret because she texted me the day before telling me that she had left it on my colleague's desk because my room was locked as i was on leave.
what did i do to deserve such a flattering gift? not much. i just ignored her when she took refuge in my room the day before, tired from her fasting until she finally dozed off on the sofa behind my chair. now that is something new i learn about the fairer sex. even ignorance can be appreciated ehehehe.
Monday, 23 June 2008
beautiful start of the week
despite being awfully unproductive over the weekends in terms of household chores, leaving wifey at her own device in trying to come up with a somewhat presentable and easy-on-the-eyes home that we have lost for quite some time ago, i was hoping today would be a better day. ah well, things don't quite go as planned sometimes.
the usual morning rush had its share of course. while athyra was her usual nagging self in the mornings and at nights, the other two were reasonably cooperative today and it was smooth sailing in their department. we left 10 minutes too late, as usual, and the kind monday morning traffic that we have seen lately after the 40% fuel price hike ensured us reaching athyra's nursery just in time for me to make the 8:00 curfew time. which is when i discovered that i have completely left athyra's bag at home. not much choice there since we can't exactly leave an 8-month old baby with only the pajamas that she was still wearing from the night before and and overloaded diapers to boot without the usual supplement of expressed milk and the poor substitute of feeding bottle that she would usually reject, given a choice.
then, i discovered i had left my access card at home despite the card's permanent base outside working hours being inside that little compartment in the car because athyra had been playing with it and took it with her.
as the car disappeared out of sight, the lightbulb inside my head suddenly glowed when i checked my pocket with those funny nagging feeling that yet again, i was missing something. true enough, i left the mobile phone in the car and anybody wishing to contact me for the day (not that many though; there has been many days i've had the phone lying idle in the drawer with zero activity) would have to get in touch with me via the fixed office line.
all is not lost though. i remembered to take the house key with me. it is all fixed now, thankfully. i had to borrow a colleague's car, get the bag as well as the access card at home, had an early lunch en route back to the office and everything should be functioning as it should be from now on.
i just hope that i won't forget bringing home the only set of house keys that we have outside the house only to discover that we i have left the keys in the office in front of the house gate at the end of the day.
the usual morning rush had its share of course. while athyra was her usual nagging self in the mornings and at nights, the other two were reasonably cooperative today and it was smooth sailing in their department. we left 10 minutes too late, as usual, and the kind monday morning traffic that we have seen lately after the 40% fuel price hike ensured us reaching athyra's nursery just in time for me to make the 8:00 curfew time. which is when i discovered that i have completely left athyra's bag at home. not much choice there since we can't exactly leave an 8-month old baby with only the pajamas that she was still wearing from the night before and and overloaded diapers to boot without the usual supplement of expressed milk and the poor substitute of feeding bottle that she would usually reject, given a choice.
then, i discovered i had left my access card at home despite the card's permanent base outside working hours being inside that little compartment in the car because athyra had been playing with it and took it with her.
as the car disappeared out of sight, the lightbulb inside my head suddenly glowed when i checked my pocket with those funny nagging feeling that yet again, i was missing something. true enough, i left the mobile phone in the car and anybody wishing to contact me for the day (not that many though; there has been many days i've had the phone lying idle in the drawer with zero activity) would have to get in touch with me via the fixed office line.
all is not lost though. i remembered to take the house key with me. it is all fixed now, thankfully. i had to borrow a colleague's car, get the bag as well as the access card at home, had an early lunch en route back to the office and everything should be functioning as it should be from now on.
i just hope that i won't forget bringing home the only set of house keys that we have outside the house only to discover that we i have left the keys in the office in front of the house gate at the end of the day.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
serves him right!
while i dismissed the initial e-mails circulating around as rumours, i now take it as real news as it finally came out in the mainstream news in [url=http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/6/18/business/21578128&sec=business]printed media[/url] and the privately owned gomen mouthpiece electronic media.
it is kind of hard to get motivated when he is vehemently rejecting our 15% salary adjustment proposal saying that the company would go bankrupt if he concurred while his bosses is defending his and his main lieutenant (whom had a post created specifically for his promotion early this year) a 100% pay increase in the mainstream media *sigh* and if you're wondering how much he is advocating, a GIGANTIC sum of 3.5%...
i would probably go and talk to screwboy later to get more inspiration later.
welcome to the world of capitalism!
it is kind of hard to get motivated when he is vehemently rejecting our 15% salary adjustment proposal saying that the company would go bankrupt if he concurred while his bosses is defending his and his main lieutenant (whom had a post created specifically for his promotion early this year) a 100% pay increase in the mainstream media *sigh* and if you're wondering how much he is advocating, a GIGANTIC sum of 3.5%...
i would probably go and talk to screwboy later to get more inspiration later.
welcome to the world of capitalism!
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
test post
this is simply a test post to demonstrate the capabilities of this blogging facility to a newbie blogger, mr de'magpie. hopefully his venture into this blogland would be a successful one. c'et la vie...
Thursday, 12 June 2008
photos of the little one
since there is not much to story mory and there was a request of the latest photos of the little one, here goes.
you can either read this entry while sitting comfortably at home, in the office or if you have a 3g phone, you can even read this entry while getting stuck in a gridlock traffic jam for 45 minutes with the luxury of turning off the engine and engaging the parking brake. which i don't have at the moment unfortunately because according to my network carrier, i do not only have to change my existing sim card to a 3g one which i have already done at their mt_point but i would also need to apply for a 3g line accordingly. (then why would i take the trouble to go to their service centre to change to a perfectly working sim card to a 3g sim card if i don't want the service as well?)
or alternatively, you can take off your glasses, relax and take a photo.
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you can either read this entry while sitting comfortably at home, in the office or if you have a 3g phone, you can even read this entry while getting stuck in a gridlock traffic jam for 45 minutes with the luxury of turning off the engine and engaging the parking brake. which i don't have at the moment unfortunately because according to my network carrier, i do not only have to change my existing sim card to a 3g one which i have already done at their mt_point but i would also need to apply for a 3g line accordingly. (then why would i take the trouble to go to their service centre to change to a perfectly working sim card to a 3g sim card if i don't want the service as well?)
or alternatively, you can take off your glasses, relax and take a photo.

Monday, 9 June 2008
err hello everybody
it's been a while since i've been active in this domain. how is everybody doing? great, i hoped. or else probably i would probably receive the news via alternative means, like text messages for example.
i have been fine, thanks for asking. a bit rounder around the waist, unfortunately. give me a minute to let me loosen up the belt to let blood flow to my lower abdomen also... ahhh! better.
so what's my excuse? nothing much actually. of course i've been attending a one-week short course, went to some meetings here and there etc etc. out of the norms of my otherwise desk-bound job. i guess simply because like logis, i have somehow lost my blogging mojo. in fact, arguably this could be my first proper entry for a very very long time.
a bit of updates. athyra the budak-rambut-lebat is currently crawling and relentlessly trying to stand up with support. fell off the bed more once (boo-hoo) with no unforgiving consequences, thank god. we have started to send amelya to kum0n and she's enjoying it so that's good. alyssa is chattier than ever and getting more aware. the other day day she pointed out that my bathroom switch is faulty because it turned the lights on when we flicked it upwards in which i had to demonstrate to her the concept of using 2 switches for the 2 bathroom doors to turn on the light. wifey is , err fine i guess. we're looking for tenants for the 3 bedroom/ 2 bathroom apartments that was finally completed after a 3-year delay. so anybody looking for an apartment in the top floor of Fl0ra Dummansara, overlooking the LDP with the view of country heights Dummansara, give me a buzz will you. rent would be around rm700 a month.
i haven't cleared any alerts for the past few weeks so i have really no idea what's going around in our nice little neighbourhood. maybe famy had neglected another virtual pet, elisa had gone berjalan again to some other exotic countries, lollies had "adopted" another child or oo had become a motivational speaker, roti had found success in leaping across the room from the sofa, ld had another twin on top of the ones she already had, zan finally decided to be a home-maker, screwboy had finally found success in one of his interviews, fd is pregnant again? (aahahah! jgn mare), myra has gained so much weight from those aussie diet, dory found the love of her life, for good or che' chomeyll is the best student in her class despite not much studying or mamarawks is finally in peace in bursa. i'm sure i'll find out after i clear up the alerts ehehehe. till my next comment then comrades.
i have been fine, thanks for asking. a bit rounder around the waist, unfortunately. give me a minute to let me loosen up the belt to let blood flow to my lower abdomen also... ahhh! better.
so what's my excuse? nothing much actually. of course i've been attending a one-week short course, went to some meetings here and there etc etc. out of the norms of my otherwise desk-bound job. i guess simply because like logis, i have somehow lost my blogging mojo. in fact, arguably this could be my first proper entry for a very very long time.
a bit of updates. athyra the budak-rambut-lebat is currently crawling and relentlessly trying to stand up with support. fell off the bed more once (boo-hoo) with no unforgiving consequences, thank god. we have started to send amelya to kum0n and she's enjoying it so that's good. alyssa is chattier than ever and getting more aware. the other day day she pointed out that my bathroom switch is faulty because it turned the lights on when we flicked it upwards in which i had to demonstrate to her the concept of using 2 switches for the 2 bathroom doors to turn on the light. wifey is , err fine i guess. we're looking for tenants for the 3 bedroom/ 2 bathroom apartments that was finally completed after a 3-year delay. so anybody looking for an apartment in the top floor of Fl0ra Dummansara, overlooking the LDP with the view of country heights Dummansara, give me a buzz will you. rent would be around rm700 a month.
i haven't cleared any alerts for the past few weeks so i have really no idea what's going around in our nice little neighbourhood. maybe famy had neglected another virtual pet, elisa had gone berjalan again to some other exotic countries, lollies had "adopted" another child or oo had become a motivational speaker, roti had found success in leaping across the room from the sofa, ld had another twin on top of the ones she already had, zan finally decided to be a home-maker, screwboy had finally found success in one of his interviews, fd is pregnant again? (aahahah! jgn mare), myra has gained so much weight from those aussie diet, dory found the love of her life, for good or che' chomeyll is the best student in her class despite not much studying or mamarawks is finally in peace in bursa. i'm sure i'll find out after i clear up the alerts ehehehe. till my next comment then comrades.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
what a mysterious world
[i]why don't men/ boys wear underwears when they are wearing kain pelikat? (sarongs)[/i]
maybe somebody can help enlighten my 6-year old girl.
p/s: for the record, i don't "hang it out loosely" before i wear my kain pelikat :p
maybe somebody can help enlighten my 6-year old girl.
p/s: for the record, i don't "hang it out loosely" before i wear my kain pelikat :p
Friday, 25 April 2008
hold on to your pads/ panty liners
i know, i know i haven't been visiting any blogs. apologies to all.
anyway, this little-hello-i'm-still-alive entry is prompted by this little news article that i read in the matahari today, in between those heavy political news that dominate our newspapers nowadays.
maybe it is a good business sense to start a blood bank on this one. any angel investors who has some milllions to spare for me to set up the bank? or venture capitalists? can i apply the msc-status for it?
anyway, this little-hello-i'm-still-alive entry is prompted by this little news article that i read in the matahari today, in between those heavy political news that dominate our newspapers nowadays.
maybe it is a good business sense to start a blood bank on this one. any angel investors who has some milllions to spare for me to set up the bank? or venture capitalists? can i apply the msc-status for it?
Monday, 14 April 2008
chap ayam photographers
no, not me.
if you love photography, you'd love to browse this almost-professionally-taken amateur photographers blog. if you love it enough, maybe you should include it in your rss reader even. feel free to reread my reader unofficial tutorial if you have to :)
owh by the way, the torque (top of the list in the rooster and hens unite!) list is my batch-mate in sekolah melayu jalan stesen, currently working as some IT support systems, development or whatever with our national oil company. that's how i got to know the site. enjoy...
if you love photography, you'd love to browse this almost-professionally-taken amateur photographers blog. if you love it enough, maybe you should include it in your rss reader even. feel free to reread my reader unofficial tutorial if you have to :)
owh by the way, the torque (top of the list in the rooster and hens unite!) list is my batch-mate in sekolah melayu jalan stesen, currently working as some IT support systems, development or whatever with our national oil company. that's how i got to know the site. enjoy...
Friday, 11 April 2008
farewell camera phone
remember some of the photos i took for my trip and the accident? somehow, befittingly i had a camera phone handy. while i've been trumpeting the use of my monochrome, i had the luxury of using a camera phone finally for a few weeks, "borrowed" from wifey's office.
and today, i have returned this phone. now i am so deep into the whole mess of taking photo of whatever, whenever that i am going to buy a phone, after all these long years.
another farewell also goes to my facial hair. i grew this for about 3 weeks i think and this must be the longest i went without shaving, not counting the period in my final year when i went for the whole year. even alyssa had asked me to shave and when i asked why, she said tak hensem la ayah. this is how it was yesterday. today, i'm sporting the short, crew-cut clean shaven look and this was the last photo taken by the phone *sob sob*. adios red, (anticipated) welcome mr black :D
famy, if you're reading this, sorry i had to delete that previous entry that you commented on. i had this reflex of pressing the [Enter] key whenever i put in the title which will submit a blank entry with a title only along with the blog alert. Here's the real one.

famy, if you're reading this, sorry i had to delete that previous entry that you commented on. i had this reflex of pressing the [Enter] key whenever i put in the title which will submit a blank entry with a title only along with the blog alert. Here's the real one.
Monday, 7 April 2008
en-route to hometown

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it was a drizzly day. traffic suddenly slowed down possibly due to an accident that had happened earlier about 10km ahead while we were moving at around 80km/hr in the fast lane. i had enough distance between me and the car in front even though i had to gradually apply the brake while finally needing to floor it and was swerving to the right to avoid a collision before it came to a complete halt. for a moment i thought it was over when suddenly a loud bang was heard at the back. apparently the car behind me did not have enough distance and i was so busy watching the car in front that i didn't realise it was coming in fast.
and this is the perpetrator.
only after i crawled slowly to the emergency lane, i realised how bad it was and suddenly remembered that amelya was sleeping in the third row. athyra was pressed against the door's mirror and my headrest and alyssa was crying out of panic. it was such a huge relief when we called out amelya name and she answered followed by a groggy face popping up above the second row seat, unfazed by the whole incident.
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it was a multiple car collisions; i could remember as many as 6 with varying damages from a minor dent to a major wreck with fuel spilling onto the highway.
coincidently, my brothers were travelling around 30km behind us and finally reached the site about one hour later due to the jam caused by our accident. i managed to salvage all the bags from the crumpled boot and they picked up my family to continue the journey while i stayed behind to settle all the formalities. many thanks to god, everybody escaped without a scratch even with the exception of a little scratch that i have on my elbow, possibly due to squeezing through my jammed door after i parked the car on the emergency lane.
it was a long queue at the police station and i only managed to submit my report and met the investigating officer at around 8pm. when i was at the seremban bus station, it was no surprise to find out that there is no more bus available. fortunately wifey's sister whom has a spare car at the moment happened to be in seremban and i only reached my hometown at around 11pm incident-free, with the borrowed car.

Friday, 4 April 2008
2+2+1 (part 1)
that was the booking configuration of our flight to sydney, 2 adults, 2 children and 1 infant. thankfully, due to some downgrading of my full economy ticket (and the guy going with me) i ended up forking out less than 1k to bring along the whole gang bang. definitely a huge relief in this financially-testing time.
for those who wouldn't bother to read and just want to look a the photos, you can jump in directly here. i finally uploaded the photos 2 days ago after my streamyx at home was finally fixed (by replacing the adsl modem/ router. how should i know it was not working within specification? the LED's were on and the problem started off with no dial tone on my home fixed line)
my while sydney is a clean, beautiful, modern and touristy city, not much to write about it that you don't already know about, unlike the ancient and cultural cairo, hehehe. but don't get me wrong, i still get my envy glares from some people as well (hi gart!)

i had a 3-day training/ conference in sydney and as usual, i extended my overseas trip to have a holiday as well and we ended up staying for 11 days total. 4 nights were spent in a hotel paid by the kompeni and the rest of day nights were spent bunking in wifey's friend's place (err sorry no photo of that) with a million-dollar view.
the outbound flight were full and the flight was booked only about 2 weeks before. while we managed to secure the bassinet seat for athyra, unfortunately there was only one seat available so we had to be seated separately and wifey found herself squeezed in between 2 gentlemen when we boarded the flight. thankfully, both of them were kind enough to exchange their seats with alyssa and amelya so all the three boys were happily snoring among themselves several rows behind.
no imaging devices were allowed within the airport so our first photo after we touched the ground was this one. i was quite surprised to be paying 55 bucks for the cab fare when i remembered paying only about slightly above 20 dollars on my mostly-annual commute from the melbourne airport to the place i called home many years ago and that was a much longer trip. well, definitely things have changed quite a bit over the past 11 years.

we arrived on sunday morning 9:30am. after a good afternoon nap, we took the compulsory walk around sydney icon, the harbour bridge and opera house. my initial plan was to cover sydney aquarium on that day but we ended up spending the afternoon on bed hehe. you know how it's like to sleep on the plane, don't you?

the following 3 days were mostly work, so they just walked around the hotel and wifey did some grocery shopping as well. thankfully, the third day ended earlier (shhh!) so we took the chance to spend the day at sydney aquarium in darling harbour. while there are many ways to get there, i decided to use the ferry to get there for a refreshing sea breeze change. i had also captured a wonderful view of the city's skyline from the ferry which i only found out now that i did not upload into flickr :). i think until now amelya is still wondering how come she missed the "fairy".
it was a nice place but slightly overrated i'd have to say. our own version here is bigger and offers more albeit smaller/ younger sea creatures. the place is closed at 10pm so by the time we got out it was almost dark. like many other places in sydney, darling harbour is beautiful and the night is livened up by seaside cafes offering refreshing view of the harbour and alfresco dining to empty stomachs. this is the best i could do capturing a stills with the videocam.
we checked out the day after and left the baggage at the hotel to spend the day at taronga zoo. the easiest way to get there is still with a ferry. while the children had a great had great time getting up close and personal with the animals, the thing that struck me most was how it offers a stunning vista of the city skyline being built on a higher ground on the other side of the harbour. unfortunately, you'd have to take my word for it. due to lack of talent and equipment, this is one of my measly attempt to capture that.

oops. i'm running out of time. have to make this a part 1. part 2 will be coming up later. and this computer is acting weird so i'd better post this before it does something funny.
again, higher resolution photos can be found here at my flickr page.
for those who wouldn't bother to read and just want to look a the photos, you can jump in directly here. i finally uploaded the photos 2 days ago after my streamyx at home was finally fixed (by replacing the adsl modem/ router. how should i know it was not working within specification? the LED's were on and the problem started off with no dial tone on my home fixed line)
my while sydney is a clean, beautiful, modern and touristy city, not much to write about it that you don't already know about, unlike the ancient and cultural cairo, hehehe. but don't get me wrong, i still get my envy glares from some people as well (hi gart!)

the outbound flight were full and the flight was booked only about 2 weeks before. while we managed to secure the bassinet seat for athyra, unfortunately there was only one seat available so we had to be seated separately and wifey found herself squeezed in between 2 gentlemen when we boarded the flight. thankfully, both of them were kind enough to exchange their seats with alyssa and amelya so all the three boys were happily snoring among themselves several rows behind.
no imaging devices were allowed within the airport so our first photo after we touched the ground was this one. i was quite surprised to be paying 55 bucks for the cab fare when i remembered paying only about slightly above 20 dollars on my mostly-annual commute from the melbourne airport to the place i called home many years ago and that was a much longer trip. well, definitely things have changed quite a bit over the past 11 years.

we arrived on sunday morning 9:30am. after a good afternoon nap, we took the compulsory walk around sydney icon, the harbour bridge and opera house. my initial plan was to cover sydney aquarium on that day but we ended up spending the afternoon on bed hehe. you know how it's like to sleep on the plane, don't you?

oops. i'm running out of time. have to make this a part 1. part 2 will be coming up later. and this computer is acting weird so i'd better post this before it does something funny.
again, higher resolution photos can be found here at my flickr page.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
little updates
i haven't been blogging much about myself lately. for those who love to hear about myself (puh-leeez!), here are some brief updates. i'm rushing through this because i'm taking half day leave today. finally, somebody from tmnut called up to set an appointment to fix my streamyx problem, one week after i first reported the problem and last night was the third report i made without the problem being solved. i have the funny feeling that they are more worried about the report number associated with the problem rather than the problem itself. it sounded that way when i talk to either their frontline officers (aka receptionist) or their online technical support advisors or whatever they called it.
ok some updates. everybody is fine. athyra is back to her angelic self right after we came back syney where she cried and cried and cried, refusing us to really enjoy the days. more about that when i finally manage to upload the photos and carry the story with it as well.
but the kids are not really in their top health. alyssa and athyra has some problems regarding minute creatures crawling within the thick jungles on their heads that alyssa is now sporting a short locks. amelya somehow managed to get this urinary tract infection and on augmentin now. she was supposed to be finally living without diapers anymore until this thing struck. the tell-tale sign surfaced sometime last week (or even earlier without us noticing) when she had to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes and somehow over the weekend, it got more frequent until we decided to send her to a doctor when we come back from our hometown. but our suspicion were confirmed when she started having temperature on the same day and amelya with rising temperature doesn't jive very well. luckily, we still have some unexpired suppository fever medication which thankfully we haven't used for a very long time.
wifey was involved in a minor accident last friday involving an abang ala motorcyclist in federal highway in front of angkasapuri. little dents and scratches on the car. some external physical external abrasions to an otherwise healthy looking abang ala. gave him rm150 totally out of compassion to him not being able to work at least for the day and repair some damage to his borrowed motorbike though the fact that he has no business swerving and cutting off the cars within the main trunk of the highway when he should've been inside riding inside the dedicated motorcycle did come into mind.
ooops! time is up. need to go now. sorry rotinina. will do your essentials tag some other time, tomorrow maybe. bye all, for now.
ok some updates. everybody is fine. athyra is back to her angelic self right after we came back syney where she cried and cried and cried, refusing us to really enjoy the days. more about that when i finally manage to upload the photos and carry the story with it as well.
but the kids are not really in their top health. alyssa and athyra has some problems regarding minute creatures crawling within the thick jungles on their heads that alyssa is now sporting a short locks. amelya somehow managed to get this urinary tract infection and on augmentin now. she was supposed to be finally living without diapers anymore until this thing struck. the tell-tale sign surfaced sometime last week (or even earlier without us noticing) when she had to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes and somehow over the weekend, it got more frequent until we decided to send her to a doctor when we come back from our hometown. but our suspicion were confirmed when she started having temperature on the same day and amelya with rising temperature doesn't jive very well. luckily, we still have some unexpired suppository fever medication which thankfully we haven't used for a very long time.
wifey was involved in a minor accident last friday involving an abang ala motorcyclist in federal highway in front of angkasapuri. little dents and scratches on the car. some external physical external abrasions to an otherwise healthy looking abang ala. gave him rm150 totally out of compassion to him not being able to work at least for the day and repair some damage to his borrowed motorbike though the fact that he has no business swerving and cutting off the cars within the main trunk of the highway when he should've been inside riding inside the dedicated motorcycle did come into mind.
ooops! time is up. need to go now. sorry rotinina. will do your essentials tag some other time, tomorrow maybe. bye all, for now.
Friday, 28 March 2008
this is not an update about my recent trip. i was going to upload the photos last night but unfortunately my streamyx connection by tmnut was on maintenance and hopefully it will be back by today.
slept at around 4:45 this morning and had to pry myself out of bed (inspired by the usual weekday mornings "song") by the usual time, 6:15. that is merely one and a half hour of sleep! and i have a full day today, extending until 8:00pm before i could drag myself home. let's see if i could survive the day without red-templed, which i doubt very much.
why did i put myself in this position, you might ask. after uploading all the photos into the pc last night from the memory cards of one videocam and 2 camera phones, i was left silly and clueless of what to do with the "islanded" pc at home. and i scoured the pc for the downloads that i've made and there it was, the whole season 1 of that addictive tv series, nip/ tuck. while arguably i am the last person that you would call a tv freak (hence season 1, hehehe), my normal compulsive/ obsessive behaviour again took over me last night. it is not exactly a family entertainment show so i waited until all the kids were asleep at around 10pm before i started the marathon.
by the time i just couldn't stay awake anymore, i must've watched like 10 episodes or so (i lost count).
now i am all groggy with that silly euphoric light-headed feeling in the head. i think it won't be long before i start hallucinating. or have i started already? am i really writing this entry or i am just imagining myself doing this? i guess i'll find out tomorrow...
slept at around 4:45 this morning and had to pry myself out of bed (inspired by the usual weekday mornings "song") by the usual time, 6:15. that is merely one and a half hour of sleep! and i have a full day today, extending until 8:00pm before i could drag myself home. let's see if i could survive the day without red-templed, which i doubt very much.
why did i put myself in this position, you might ask. after uploading all the photos into the pc last night from the memory cards of one videocam and 2 camera phones, i was left silly and clueless of what to do with the "islanded" pc at home. and i scoured the pc for the downloads that i've made and there it was, the whole season 1 of that addictive tv series, nip/ tuck. while arguably i am the last person that you would call a tv freak (hence season 1, hehehe), my normal compulsive/ obsessive behaviour again took over me last night. it is not exactly a family entertainment show so i waited until all the kids were asleep at around 10pm before i started the marathon.
by the time i just couldn't stay awake anymore, i must've watched like 10 episodes or so (i lost count).
now i am all groggy with that silly euphoric light-headed feeling in the head. i think it won't be long before i start hallucinating. or have i started already? am i really writing this entry or i am just imagining myself doing this? i guess i'll find out tomorrow...
Saturday, 22 March 2008
i am back
anybody missed me? no? hmmm....
i came back from sydney 2 nights ago. as usual, coming back from a long trip, many things to sort out to get back to normal life. will be posting photos, stories (not much though) about the trip later. and will also check out the alerts (numbering 67 now). ok chao for now, just to inform people that i'm still alive, a bit thin on the pocket though.
i came back from sydney 2 nights ago. as usual, coming back from a long trip, many things to sort out to get back to normal life. will be posting photos, stories (not much though) about the trip later. and will also check out the alerts (numbering 67 now). ok chao for now, just to inform people that i'm still alive, a bit thin on the pocket though.
Friday, 7 March 2008
to all my supporters

so my advisors, what do you think the chances my meek challenger has against me in the upcoming election?
don't think they stand a chance at all, my dearest miss incumbent.
very well then. unfortunately i won't be able to celebrate my winning because with my supporters because i'll be going to sydeney on the night of the vote count. but never mind, i'll be able to when i come back on the 19th. march.
yes you will. so, any last words to your rival?

i think this guy must be glad that today is friday. taken from the spot that i normally use to top up my level of nicotine in the office with the phone that i am currently using. i wouldn't want to be in his shoes any day.
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